Ron's Fatal Encounter

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"Everyone up!"

The lights in our room flicked on, causing me to grimace and roll over in bed. "Did you not hear me? I said get up!"

I sat up, realizing the voice that was screeching into our room was unfamiliar. I squinted against the bright light that had flooded into the room. An older girl was at our door, disheveled and in her pajamas. "Well don't just sit there!" she barked at me, marching over and yanking me out of bed. I had no time to react and was fairly disoriented, so I fell to the ground with a thump.

"What the hell is going on?" Airam snapped angrily, helping me up. Her brown hair was a nest on the top of her head as she scowled at the girl who was currently ripped the drapes from around Pansy's bed open and yanking her up.

"Sirius Black has broken into the castle again," the girl said hastily, dodging Pansy's arm as she attempted to swing at her. "He tried to kill someone in Gryffindor tower." Pansy snapped out of her sleepy war at this and Jalen surprisingly shot out of bed and toward the door. "We all have to get to the Great Hall now!"

We all followed in pursuit of Jalen, out into the sea of students who were currently trying to shove there way into the common room and out. Everyone was dressed in their pajamas and were grumbling in sleepiness but alertness as they wondered about Sirius Black. I shivered as I cursed about forgetting to put on my socks. Even though I had on sweatpants and a t-shirt, if my feet were cold, the rest of me is cold.

"Sierra!" Someone grabbed onto my arm and pulled me back into them. It was Draco, wearing black joggers and a black shirt. "Did you hear? Sirius Black broke in again! Too bad he didn't really kill anyone-" He stopped when he saw the look on my face. "Sorry, love. You still look adorable."

I rolled my eyes, rubbing my face that was blotchy from sleep as we shoved our way out of the narrow dormitory hall and into the common room and then out. Led by our Head Boy, Williams, and Head Girl, the girl who had barged into our room, we made our way up and out of the dungeons and into the Great Hall, where all the other houses were chatting nervously. The loud noise made my sleepy head pound and I glowered at anyone who so much as glanced at me.

Pansy looked so nervous from where she stood alongside Airam, Jalen, Theodore, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle, that I thought she would pee herself right there as we trudged over to them. "What if they don't find him?" Pansy asked worriedly. She caught site of Draco and launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his right one. "What if they think he's gone but then he comes back in here and kills all of us."

"That'll be a site," Jalen snorted. "Almost a thousand students against one man?"

"Thanks for making the situation a hundred times better." I smiled sarcastically at Pansy through squinted eyes and avoided Draco's gaze at he stared at where my necklace lay underneath my shirt. He had been bugging me to take it off ever since I broke my leg a week after receiving it from my father, as if it was it's fault instead of my reckless curiosity. "I wonder who he tried to kill," I said, looking around the Hall and over to the Gryffindor section. "They said it was a Gryffindor."

My tired eyes locked onto Ron, who was standing and talking enthusiastically, violently using his hands while a bunch of other Gryffindors sat in a circle around him, listening intently.

"I' right back." I went forward to approach the group around Ron but Draco reached out quickly and grabbed the back of my shirt. "Draco, I'll be fine. You can see me." He reluctantly let me go and snapped at Blaise when he said, "Still jealous?"

I sauntered over to Ron just as he was saying, "And then I hear this big ripping sound, and when I open my eyes, he's standing right over me. Sirius Black! Knotted hair and all, with a knife! I thought it was the end!"

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