Cracked Bones

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On the days leading up to Halloween, the time that I didn't spend with Draco or the Slytherins was spent with the Gryffindors, trying to gain Potter's trust. I was starting to doubt my ability to remain strictly evil during this mission. Every now and then I would catch myself letting out a genuine laugh when Potter did or said something funny. Especially when he and Weasley were together. I found myself being excited to see them in the next class and that scared me. What if I actually started to like them? Most of me knew that could never happen, but there was still that teeny tiny sliver of me that thought, what would be so bad about that? It would make it way more believable if I actually did care for them, and when the time came for Potter to die, I would just have to push it all aside. Simple as that. Right?


"This is Halloween, this is Halloween," Airam sang as she pulled her robes over her head. She had put on heavy black eyeliner and black lipstick. I groaned and slammed my pillow over my face, as I was still attempting to get an extra minute of sleep. She continued singing.

"Can you shut it?" Pansy growled from under a heap of covers.

"Nope," Airam said simply, popping the p.

I grinned a little and finally took the pillow off of my head, forcing myself to get up from the bed. I went into the restroom to change. I walked back into the room when I had finished.

"Ew, it's back," Pansy said.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Hey, Pansy. Isn't Halloween your favorite holiday?" I asked her, putting on my robes and shoes.

"Actually, it's not, little Ms. Know It All. Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. I just thought since you wear your costume every day," I said, shrugging.

She gasped angrily as Airam sniggered into her hand and Jalen let out a loud laugh. Pansy chucked a pillow at me and it hit the bottom of my leg. I ignored it and continued to brush out my hair.

"Airam, what are you wearing?" I asked, referring to the heavy black makeup on her face.

"Hm? Oh, this! It's Halloween, duh!" She held out her hand in a duh position and I cocked her head to the side, her brow knitting together.

"Well yeah, but why?"

Airam shrugged. "Halloween is supposed to be creepy and stuff, and this is pretty creepy right?" She widened her eyes making me giggle.

"Pretty creepy, alright," I chuckled. The black around her eyes made them look bigger and the white part looked a little freaky.

"God, why can't we wear costumes or something? Since it's, you know, Halloween," Jalen grumbled.

Jalen was really into Halloween, but not as much as Airam. Airam was more into creepy things like skulls and weird looks, while Jalen was into ghosts. Ghosts were her thing. All of the castle ghosts had gotten to know and like her, even the Bloody Baron. The Bloody Baron was the ghost of Slytherin, and hardly talked to anyone. He was covered in crimson blood and scared everyone he walked by with just a glance. Well, everyone except Jalen.

"Oh let me guess," I said. "You would go as a ghost?"

She grinned. "You know me so well."


"Hermione!" I called as we entered the charms classroom. Airam and Jalen didn't really hate Hermione as much as the rest of the Slytherins, but they were both still a bit tense around her since they grew up in pure-blooded homes like I did. I was supposed to be like that...

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