The Pink Toad

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 Draco's badge glinted along with mine as the two of us hopped up onto the Hogwarts Express two weeks later. Narcissa and Lucius gave us one last wave before the train slowly began to move forward, and they were lost from our vision. Draco and I looked at each other before we began to saunter down the corridor.

"You know we have to attend this prefect meeting, right?" Draco said.

"Yeah, I know," I responded, peeking through the windows of each compartment we passed. "But we'll go later. I want to say hi to everyone first."

Draco snorted, smirking over at me maliciously. "What about Potter?"

I gagged dramatically. "Please, that's the last person I want to say hi to—"


Draco and I stopped dead in our tracks, my body tensing up as my fists clenched. Draco turned around toward the blasted person who had called my name, but I couldn't seem to find the will to, until they appeared to be standing right behind me.

"What do you want, Potter?" Draco spat. I reluctantly forced myself to turn around, trying not to glare as my eyes landed on the boy I had been dreading seeing all summer. Harry was eyeing me with a glint of uncertainty in his eyes, and it took all the strength in me to offer him a small smile. When I looked down at Ginny, though, who was at his side, the smile came much easier.

"Hey, Gin," I said to her.

"Hey, Sierra," she replied, grinning at me.

I looked up at Harry. "Hi."

"Hi. you want to come and sit with us? I have something to..." He shot Draco a scathing look, " to you about. And Ron and Hermione are—" His eyes suddenly landed on the Prefect badge on my chest, and his expression drooped considerably, making me want to smirk.

"No, she can't sit with you two pieces of garbage," Draco snapped, eyeing the two Gryffindors with disgust as they glared at him. "And you won't be talking to her about anything. We have Prefect duties to attend, and even if we didn't, she—I wouldn't allow it. Let's go, Sierra."

I allowed Draco to pull me away wordlessly, Harry glaring at Draco with far more anger in his eyes, and Ginny looking up at Harry with a confused expression.

Since I usually stick up for them, and with the sole thought of my mission in my mind, I forced out a, "Draco! Stop being so rude! Sorry, guys! See you later!" I waved pathetically at them before Draco shoved me down the hall and they were lost from our view. I still couldn't help but wonder about what he wanted to talk to me about, though... I obviously needed to hear it since it could be good information...

"God, I hate how you apologized to them," Draco muttered to me.

"So did I," I said, glaring over at him. "You can't make this easier for me at all?" I questioned irritably, taking out my frustration with having to speak to Harry on Draco.

He whipped his head over to me as we walked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing," I grumbled.

"No, tell me," he insisted, grabbing onto my upper arm and trying to stop me.

I ripped it away from him so hard that I collided with the glass of the compartment on my right, making the Hufflepuff first years within squeal. I shrugged it off and rubbed my shoulder. "I said nothing," I repeated.

"Come on, love—"

We arrived at a compartment with the shades down, but there was a plaque on the door that read Prefects, cutting him off. Draco yanked the door open, still grumbling, and strode in. I hurried after him, grabbing onto the back of his robes gently as I followed along. He stopped abruptly, making me bump into him, and then—

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