Chapter 2

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"You did what?!" Lynn yelled at me. I had just explained to her my events of the day and her reaction was expected. Now I didn't say I was going to keep it a secret from my friends. After all Liam and I've been together for 2 years, so the news of us breaking up was pretty shocking.

"Is it so hard to believe that Liam and I broke up?"

"Hell yes. Practically the whole school shipped you two. We thought you guys were gonna get married and have some little kids." I groaned at this statement. I wouldn't have thought Lynn would say, I was expected it more from Rose.

"You've been hanging around Rose too long. I can't lie and say I thought we'd make it that long too. As much as I hated to do it we've sorta drifted apart." It hurt just to talk about Liam and I breaking up. I couldn't help but question if I did the right thing for the second time in the last 24 hours.

"Can we just drop the subject?" I begged.

"Yeah. Do you want to watch a movie, it'll get your mind off of things"

After watching Twilight(every singles movie) and snacking on Doritos and Sour Patch Kids(Lynn didn't have any ice cream) I decided to go home. I felt better after spending the day with Lynn. I was currently walking in the direction of my parents house. I only had to walk 10 more minutes and then I would be there.

I would usually take the short cut through the woods, but since it was night time, I decided not to. I've watched way to many horror films during my relationship with Liam. If I haven't learn anything else from them, it was don't go into the woods during the night. I know they aren't real but I'm not taking any chances.

I continued walking until I heard the little ping, signaling I had a text message. I decided to ignore it until I got home. I was almost home, I'm sure the person can wait a few minutes for me to answer them. As I ventured on my phone keep pinging, and didn't seem to stop. Well I guess the person couldn't wait for me to get home then. I opened my phone, getting agitated by the constant pinging of my phone.

UNKNOWN: Where are you going at this time of night?

UNKNOWN: I know you heard the notification.

UNKNOWN: Don't ignore me.

UNKNOWN: Frankly, you appear to ignoring my messages.

UNKNOWN: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

UNKNOWN: Who knows what kinds of freaks could be out this time of night.

There were many more of these messages. I found myself wondering who this person was, and I wondering why they were texting me at 3 in the morning. My curiosity got the best of me and I found myself looking around my surroundings for any type of mysterious person. Much to my disappointment, no one seemed to be out.

I decided to pick up my speed, and try to get home as fast as I could. I could see my parents house a few feet away, and then I would be safe. I was just about 5 steps from my porch when I hand covered my mouth and pulled me to their chest. I always knew crazy things happened late a night, that doesn't mean I want them to happen to me. All I could do was think of the worse.

Twisted Souls Book 2: Liam's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now