Chapter 4

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My heart beat seemed to pick up at the sight of that text message. Of course I'm scared. Who wouldn't be scared after a mysterious person texts them. I haven't done anything to deserve this. I try to push the horrific text into the back of my mind so I could attempt to sleep tonight.

I tried to keep my eyes open as my Science teacher explained Inertia. With every word he spoke my eyes grew heavier and heavier. My science has always been boring but I've never fallen asleep.

I was awoken by the ringing of bell notifying that it was time for my next class; Spanish.
My Spanish book was already in her room so I didn't have to rush to get to my locker and her room. I didn't wait for any of my friend, not feeling like listening to all their happy conversations.

I was far from happy. I was a mix of sleepy, angry, and terrified. I just went straight to my desk and laid my hard down. "Señorita Noami." It was a daily routine for us in Spanish class, we had to say the date every day as role. "Um Viernes doce de Septiembre del dos mil catorce." After saying the date Señorita Morales went to the next person and I placed my head back down on the desk.

With in a couple minutes of my nap I felt as if someone was staring at me.

I lifted my head to see Liam staring at me. His usual chocolate brown eyes were darker and full of anger along with hatred. I know he was angry with me but he didn't have to stare at me with such hatred. I was curious as to why he was staring at me, so I took a piece of paper out of my book bag.

Why are you staring at me like that?

Like what?

You know. Your staring at me like you want me dead or something.

Well I think you've got it all wrong. Maybe I'm just angry for a reason and you caught me staring at you.

Oh. Okay.

After that response I threw the paper in the trash and decided to pay attention to what Señorita Morales had to say. She was talking about her family and her home in South America. It was nice to hear about her home county. Señorita always had this huge smile on her face when she spoke about her family.

After Spanish my day seemed to drag on until lunch. Lunch seemed to be my favorite time of the day. I got to see all my friends who got separated from us. "Guys you won't believe what happened today," Lynn asked as soon as she came to our table.

"Um. Shawn admitted his unconditional love for you?"I asked

"Holy crap how did you know?!" At this point I think everyone at our table gasped. Lynn had been crushing on Shawn since 8th grade. Everyone in our friendship circle shipped but I guess that ship got super got delayed.

"YAS you finally got that ship sailing. I mean damn it took 4 years," Isaac shouted. Everyone laughed at Isaac's statement. Isaac was the crazy one in our group, he was the one that mainly made us laugh. He was also the one who got us into trouble most of the time.

"Seriously that ship must've needed some serious preparation. As much as I want to hear the story about Shawn, I have to show you guys something."

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