Chapter 9

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I spent the rest of the day locked in room, alone. It was just me and my thoughts, and I liked it that way. There was no one asking me continuous questions about what happened at the party, just silence.

All I did was spend countless hours staring at the ceiling and letting my mind wonder. I had turned my phone off because I knew my friends would be wondering where I had gone off to. I also didn't want to get any more messages from that random guy that has been texting me recently.

I mean I don't even know his name. Well now that I think about it that wouldn't be very wise on his part.  Maybe he's one of those stupid criminals that don't think before doing things. Maybe I could ask him what his name is and he'll tell me. 

I looked at the time and realized that I had locked myself in my room for a few hours. It was now 1 in the morning and since I didn't eat all of my dinner, my stomach was growling. I quietly opened my door and walked out of my room. I knew I had to be quiet because my mom had to be one of the lightest sleepers I have ever known.

I tiptoed my way to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. I saw the leftover spaghetti but I was afraid to heat it up in fear that my mom would hear the beeping of the microwave. I looked around looking for anything that I could eat without making noise and waking my mother up.

I carefully opened the cabinet and found peanut butter and Oreos. It was the healthiest thing to eat so late at night but it'll have to do. I got a spoon from the drawer and grabbed the items before going back up to my room.


I was awoken by the sound of loud knocks on my door. I assumed it was my mother checking to see how I was doing. I got up and opened the door and was surprised to see that it was Isaac. "Isaac what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Well you disappeared last night and everyone was worried. What's wrong?" He asked walking o across my room and taking a seat on my bed.

I walked over to my bed also and took a seat, sighing before answering Isaac's question. "Everything's wrong. Ever since Liam and I broke up everything just seems to be out of hand."

Isaac nodded as if telling me to continue. "Liam seems to hate me. Its not like I wanted us to break up but we were spending less and less time together and we were drifting apart. I never wanted to hurt Liam in any way, I really didn't."

"Is that what's bothering you the fact that you've hurt Liam?"

"It's part of it. Liam's such a sweet guy and I know what he went through when he was a kid and I don't want him to hurt  anymore."

"What's the other part to it?"

"The other part of it is that this crazy person keeps texting me. Then Lynn died and its was my fault. I told you guy what was happening and put all of us in danger."

"Naomi I know you wanted to do everything by yourself, you've always been that way. You don't ask for help unless you really need it, but you have to realize that we're here for you and we're going to get through this together," he said pulling me into a hug.

At that moment everything seemed fine, but I knew it wouldn't last for long.


I'm so sorry for this crappy chapter. The next should be a whole lot better.

qotd: what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? My favorite is cookies and creme

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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