Chapter 6

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[Before you read the chapter I would like to congratulate @myamiddleton on winning the contest. I'll extend the contest until June 20 just in case any one else wants to participate]

"Great you guy brought the sugar" Rose said as soon as we walked into her house. "Now all we have to do is wait for everyone else to get here" Isaac and I placed our snacks on the coffee table on the middle of the living room.

After about 30 minutes everyone started to arrive. Rose had picked out The Notebook, Mama, Flowers in the Attic, and the rest of the movies to the series(she an unhealthy obsession). Chad brought fruit because he thought 'it would equal out the amount of sugar'

"Alright guys I'm going to order the pizza." Rose said as she left the room to get her phone. "This is gonna be really fun," Lynn said. As Rose went to order the pizza, everyone went to find a seat.

Soon the pizza came and everyone dug in. A little while into everyone's feasting Lynn gasped, scaring everyone. "Why'd you suddenly gasp? Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I just forgot to get the two most important flavors of ice cream. "

"Alright I'll go with you to get it."

We went to Walmart and walked you the ice cream isle. We got a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookies and crème as well as mint chocolate chip.

We paid for the ice cream and walked out in to the parking lot. As I was walking I got a text. I stopped to get my phone out of my pocket. "Who is it?"

"You shouldn't have told your friends. You'll pay and they'll pay also." The person in the phone said. I didn't recognise the voice and that scared me.

"What so you mean?"

The person chuckled and responded "you'll see," he paused. "Right about now," and hung up.

I was beyond confused. Who was this guy and what did he want with me? Why did he pick me of all people to mess with?

I constantly looked around to see if noticed a mysterious person, but I saw no one. Suddenly I heard the solid of gun shots and I loud scream. It was too loud to be far away and as much I wanted it to be the person behind me, no one was there.

The only person outside was me and Lynn, and I was still alive.

My ears were ringing and my heart was pounding inside my chest. 'Please be okay. Please be okay,' I thought to my self. I slowly looked behind me and saw my worst nightmare. My best friends body frozen and bleeding on the ground.

"Lynn say something. Are you okay? Can you hear me?" I asked quickly. I could feel the tears making their way to the surface. All we wanted was some ice cream and now my friend was laying on the ground.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911. I told them what had happened and waited for the ambulance to come. I sat helplessly beside her body just hoping she'd be okay. I didn't know what to do to stop the bleeding and I regretted not watching all those crime shows with my parents.

When the ambulance came they placed her on the gurney and put her inside. I refused when asked if I wanted to ride with them to the hospital. I walked to my car, got in, and drove to Rose's house, while silently praying that Lynn would be okay.

Twisted Souls Book 2: Liam's StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora