Chapter 8

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I hope you guy like this chapter. I was listening to old 1D songs and I was hit with Zayn feels. So I'm going to yell at my poster and cry. Enjoy.


Everyone burst out in tears but I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to cry, because I caused this. I was the reason she was dead. I didn't deserve cry and mourn her death because I did this.

Everyone was hugging everyone, and I was just standing. I seemed to be frozen in place, in shock. I stood watching as everyone cried and comforted each other. I wanted to comfort someone but I honestly don't deserve that privilege.

If it weren't for my big ass mouth Lynn would still be here. All of us would be sitting around laughing in Rose's living room watching movies and enjoying ourselves. Now things won't ever be the same, Lynn would never be with us again. We would never hear her laugh, or ramble about Shawn.

I couldn't stand the sound of sobbing so I walked outside. I took a seat on one of the benches and looked up at the sky. It was night time and not many people were out. I looked up at the moon and let my thoughts wonder.

Would this have happened if I hadn't told my friends? Why is this person harassing me? Why is it after my friends and I?

After thinking about it for a little while I decided to just go home. Enough things had been caused because of me and I don't want anything else to happen. I walked to the parking lot and got into my car. Just when I was about to pull out of the parking space, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Who could be messaging me at a time like this?

I looked and sighed when I saw that I was from the same unknown number that had been messaging for the past few days. Couldn't this person understand that I didn't want to be bothered with them? My friend just died and he decides to mess with me. I opened my phone and saved the number in my phone as 'Mr. Mean'

Mr. Mean: Aww did someone's friend have a accident?

Me: What do you want?

Mr. Mean: I just wanted to see how my favorite girl is doing.

Me: What have I ever done to you? Why won't you leave me alone?

Mr. Mean: I loved you and you hurt me. So in return I'm going to hurt every one that you love.

Me: I don't even know who you are!!!

Mr. Mean: And I plan on keeping it that way. Bye now.

Me: No. I want answers! Who are you?

I waited for the person to answer but had no luck. I threw my phone into the passenger seat and pulled out of the parking lot. I didn't want to leave my friends there but I had to. I needed sometime to think and clear my head. Too much was going at the moment and I don't think I can handle anything else at the moment.

I pulled into my parents drive way and got out of the car. After everything that had happened I looked forward to a nice home cooked meal. As soon as I opened the door I was met with a scent that I knew far too well; my parents spaghetti. I smiled and made my way to the kitchen to see my mom setting the table.

"I got it mom. You just finish preparing the food," I said grabbing the plates that she was about to place on the table. I put the silverware down, as well as the glasses before getting my dad and letting him know that dinner was almost done.

The three of us were now gathered around the table eating our food. I was currently listening to my parents conservation about some show. I was enjoying my meal until my mom asked one question, "Naomi how was your day?"

"It was fine mom. I went to a 'sleepover' with the guys," I said making air quotes on the word sleepover with my fingers.

"If it was a sleepover why did you leave?"

"Something happened and I didn't want to be there any more."

"What happened?"

"Nothing," I mumbled. I was beginning to get angry with all the questions that my mom was asking. All I wanted was a nice meal and no worries, but of course my mom had to ruin it.

"Well something had to happen," my dad said.

"I said nothing happened, now leave it alone and stop asking." I got out of my chair and grabbed my plate. I didn't feel like eating anymore, so much for a nice home cooked meal. I raked the rest of my food in the trashed and placed my plate in the sink before heading to my room. I think the best thing to do right now is just be by my self.

Twisted Souls Book 2: Liam's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now