Chapter 1

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I've just done the one thing that I thought I would never have to do, I broke up with my boyfriend. "You don't know what you've just gotten yourself into love" Liam said with a sadistic smirk. This scared me greatly because Liam always smiled. His smile was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. Now it was forever gone, replaced with the smirk on his face.

"Liam you're scaring me. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm doing what's best." I said trying to plead with him. I really didn't want to hurt him, I just didn't feel that spark anymore. Maybe it's because we haven't been spending as much time together lately. Liam and I have both been busy and our time spent together had decreased greatly. Since we hardly see each other now and days I think breaking up would be best for the two of us.

"You think this is best? You think that breaking up with me is what's best?!" He asked raising his voice during the middle of the last sentence. I knew Liam would be angry with this but I didn't think he would be this angry. Since I've never seen Liam this angry before I decided to keep quiet. "You're wrong Naomi, so wrong" he said lowly. I almost cringed at the way my name fell from his lips.

What did Liam mean I was wrong? I'm pretty sure I was making the right choice. I then remembered that we were currently in a park surrounded by tons of people. I look around quickly and fortunately no one heard Liam and I's quarrel. "This is for the best Liam. You'll be best without me, I promise", I said before kissing his check and departing from him.


I had to convince myself, better than I did Liam, that I did the right thing. I began walking to my parents house. I didn't have enough money at the moment to buy my own place. just yet and my parents wouldn't let me move out until that point.

Once I got into the house I immediately heard my mother cooking in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and the wonderful aroma of my mother cooking invaded my senses, 'Hey momma. How was work?', I asked kissing her on the cheek.

'Hey honey. Work was fine. How was your day?' As much as I wanted to lie to my mom, I couldn't. She could see right through a lie. I'm not gonna lie, it's kinda creepy. 'Um. Today was quite eventful.' I walked into my room without another word. I didn't want to tell my mother what had happened just yet, and I planned on keeping it a secret from her as long as I could.

[I know these chapters are short but they'll get longer as the book progresses. I hope you liked the first chapter. ]

Twisted Souls Book 2: Liam's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now