Chapter 7

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It didn't take long for everyone to get to the hospital. Of course when everyone arrive they began to parade in various questions. I couldn't hear my thoughts over the chorus of questions I was being asked at one time.

"What happened?"

"Why are we here?"

"Is everyone okay?"

"Where's Lynn?"

"Where's the ice cream?"

"I'm missing Bart's body for this."

I heard the sound of a wolf whistle and everyone shut up. I took a deep breath now that I could actually focus. As much as I hated to think about what happened, I knew I had to tell everyone what had occurred while Lynn and I were out.

"You guys may want to take a seat for this," I said.

I tried to stop my leg from bouncing up and down; a thing that occurred when I was nervous. I honestly didn't know how they were going take the news, but I knew it was going to be good, especially Isaac.

"Um. I don't really know how to explain it, but something happened while Lynn and I went I get ice cream." After hearing that everyone gasped. "I've never thought I would be in this situation."

"What happened?!"

"Tell us!!"

"We need to know."

"We were in the parking lot going to my car when I got this text. I don't know who it was from but they said, 'you shouldn't have told your friends. You'll pay and they will too' I didn't know what they were talking about and I asked what they meant. They said that I would see and the next thing I know I heard gun shots. I looked around but didn't see anyone else, and then I knew that it was Lynn."

"Everything's gonna be okay. We just gotta have faith and believe that the doctors know what they're doing. While the doctors work our job is sit and wait for the best" Monroe told us.

I suddenly felt the anger that I was trying to hide, surface. After all this is my fault just as the person said. I should have kept my big mouth shut and handled this on my own. Since I didn't I put all my friends in danger when I could have just handled the situation myself.

How dare they tell me everything is gonna be okay?! Do they not see where we're at?! Things don't go well in hospitals. People die, and Lynn could be one of the people to die. Lynn could die for nothing and it would be my fault.

"She's in there dying because of me. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut and kept what had happened to my self. Hell I probably shouldn't be telling you this any way." I said, slamming my hand on the table covered in magazines.

Chad came running toward me, placing his hands on my shoulder. "It's alright. It's not your fault."

"But it is Chad! I caused this."

"Naomi get ahold of yourself. She's gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay."

"It is my fault. It's my fault, Chad." I said as tears steamed down my face. He continued to rub circles into my back and whispering conforming words until I calmed down.

Just as I calmed down the doctor came and told us, the one thing we all didn't want to hear; Lynn was gone.

Sorry it took so long. I was watching Attack on Titans when I was supposed to be updating. We'll just blame it on my friend, because she got me addicted to it.

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