Chapter 3

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"Don't you dare scream. We don't want people getting suspicious, now would we?" I quickly shook my head, fearing what was to happen if I took to long to answer. I couldn't help but feel as if the voice was familiar. I tries processing it again and again but I couldn't quite pin point the voice. After a few agonizing minutes the person finally uncover my mouth. They slowly let go of my waist, I almost wanted to sign in relief but decided against it. I slowly turned to face the mysterious person. I was completely shocked with the person in front of me.

"Zayn?" I whispered in shock. Of all people I didn't expect it to be him. Okay, I'm going to be serious, I expected it to be some creepy pedophile. I mean who is out at this time of night, for God's sake it's 3 in the morning. "Zayn what the hell are you doing out this late?" As soon as I asked the question Zayn burst into a fit of laughter. What about my question was so funny? I found my question completely serious, with no humor at all.

"Well I went to Niall's house, I fell asleep and woke up, looked at my phone and BAM it's two in the morning." That seems like something that Zayn would do. "You know you could've just stayed at Niall's house. Do you know how many pedophile and drug dealers are out at this time of night?"

"Well could say the same one for you. What are you out at this time of morning? Do you know how many pedophiles and drug dealers are out at this time of night?" He said making his voice higher in attempt to imitate my voice. I couldn't help but laugh at his ludicrous endeavor.

"I don't talk like that. Also I was at Lynn's house watching movies. I was so intrigued that I didn't notice what time of night it was." Zayn laughed as he did the last time I spoke. Why does he keep laughing? "Zayn why do you keep laughing at everything I say? Are you high?" If Zayn found me this funny I figured I would take a career as a comedian. "No. I'm not high. I find it funny that you basically did the same thing as me. You know you could've stayed at Lynn's house right?" He asked imitating my voice yet again.

"I would've but today is Thursday not Friday, therefore my curfew is at 12 am. I'm actually pretty astonished my parents haven't blown up my phone asking where I was. Also I figured 3 hours late on curfew is a lot better than not showing up at all." Surprisingly Zayn didn't laugh at my response. Instead he replied saying, "That's actually a really good excuse"

After that our conversation came to a close. I then went into the house and gently closed the door, as to not wake my parents. I quietly traveled up the stairs into my bedroom and let our a sigh of relief when I got to my room with awakening my parents. I took of my shoes and placed them toward the edge of my bed(I do that in case of an emergency) and changed in to a t shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and settled into my bed.

Although I was comfortable in my bed I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Usually I fall asleep within minutes of getting into my bed, but this time was different. There was something keeping me awake, but I couldn't find out what. As I stared at the ceiling my phone suddenly pinged. Who would be texting me at this time?

From: Unknown
Aww it look like something is keeping you awake. :(

How does this person know that I'm awake? Could this be the same person who was messaging me on my way home? Who am I kidding of cause it was him or her. I got out of my bed and peered out of my window, looking for someone that could be texting me. Unfortunately there was no one outside of my window.

From: Unknown
Oh love, you look pretty dumb looking out of your window at three in the morning. Just so you know, you can't see me and you never will.

How can they see me? What do they mean I can't see them and I never will. I was pacing in my room, trying to think of every answer I could to this situation. My mind seemed to racing with thought and questions. It was until I heard another ping coming from my phone that I stopped pacing.

From: Unknown
Are you scared? Because you should be.

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