19. losing

157 5 13


Her head felt light and heavy at the same time and when she tried to move she cried out in pain.

The left side of her body burned more than she ever felt, and she had been electrocuted and slashed before.

"What..." she tried lifting her head but even that hurt her a lot.

Immediately a trooper that was waiting near the door went to her.

"Miss Palpatine" the trooper saluted her.

"Miss, I must advice that you rest and try not to move. The medics took care of your injuries but you still have to recover". He said.

"Tell me" Azam demanded and faintly signaled to her body.

"Your left foot was broken and slashed, your left quadricep had a deep injury from a lightsaber, your side had a small slash from a lightsaber too and you have some minor cuts and bruises in other parts of your body" The trooper filled her in.

"Fucking Kylo Ren" Azam cursed through gritted teeth.

"Are we close to Exegol?" She asked lifting her arm to rub her forehead

"We'll get there in ten hours Miss"

"Get me something to draw on" she demanded.

"Of course" after that the trooper quickly left.

If Azam was that injured she had to draw the map before she could forget it or passed out for too long.

Slowly she reached down her body, feeling the bandages and took a deep breath.

These nasty scars would now be added to her collection.


He wasn't happy, at all.

And Snoke hadn't been happy either.

Right now he was paying some of the price for his failure.

He had been sewn together shortly after the ship left the base and the whole thing exploded, but as soon as they landed on the other base Snoke had demanded to see him.

Just like Kylo had imagined Snoke wasn't happy at all that the girl had gotten away so he dragged him around the throne room for a while, causing all his wounds to open again.

Right now the medical bots were sewing the mess of his skin.

If he ever crossed the girl again he was going to crush her, he promised himself. No, he corrected himself.

When he crossed the girl he would crush her, because there was no way that someone that looked so inhumane and had that strength could die from those injuries.

"What is wrong with you that a stupid girl could defeat all your years of training?!" Snoke had demanded.

"Master, I've told you. She's the girl we once found in jambu, the one who had a connection to the dark side" Kylo struggled to say without raising his voice.

"Nonsense. You know that there can only be two Sith Lords. She can have some sort of small connection to the dark side, but it would be as useless as your knights!" Snoke roared.

"Master, she's no casual user of the force. She... she, she had to be a Sith Lord. She even-"

"Enough!" Snoke once again dragged him through the left wall.

Kylo tried to stand up as he could but his face and right shoulder hurt too much. After struggling while Snoke still reprimanded him he was able to kneel again.

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