2. Broken

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"Azam!" Palpatine's screams woke Rey up. She was confused at first, she had had the weirdest dream and then she realized that she wasn't on a forest, she was on Exegol.

She knew that even if she tried she shouldn't ignore her grandfather, so Rey quickly stood up, put on her shoes and ran out of her room.

"Master" she said bowing her head.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he asked showing her a weapon she was designing and had kept in secret on the other edge of the cave.

She swallowed hard. She knew that she was going to be punished... and that her invention was soon to be smashed.

"Come on boy! you're running late" One of the knights shouted at Ben.

He wasn't sure anymore if he prefered to be with them or with Snoke. 

He's always here anyways. He remembered. Snoke, his voice had been with him for years now. Long before his uncle tried to murder him.

"I'm coming" he quickly showered and changed to join the rest of them. Today they were going to collect jewerly.

Ren had a tendency to steal pretty things, and cause trouble on his way to get them.

Always following the teaching of The Ren, as he would say.

They landed far from downtown, in a city full of lights. The air was chill and the sky was grey, for some reason Ben felt like today wasn't going to be a bad day.

The knights each took their weapon, and Ben ignited his lightsaber. It was still blue, still a memory from his past and his jedi training.

It felt weird. Ben might be dressed as them, all in black and maybe he was now part of their circle but... some part of him was stubborn, not wanting to be there, wanting to change. To stop them.

He shook the idea off and walked close behind them.


"While I can get my lightsaber I figured I could use that" Rey said lowering her head a little and lifting her eyes to look at Palpatine.

"Come here" he said. Her grandfather's voice had always scared her. It had never felt natural to her, the tone... the volume. How it never quivered.

She didn't want to get close.

She tried, she really did. But she had learned to fear him, so when she tried to move her feet they didn't answer her. Her mind and her body would not comply.

"I said. Come!" his voice got louder and right now there was mostly darkness, as the sound traveled through the cave it made Rey feel like Palpatine was everywhere.

Rich planet

"Kylo!" One of the knights passed him a grenade and he threw it away.

The place was almost completely destroyed, they had done a mess and they'd killed almost everyone. Somehow Ben had managed not to kill anyone withouth them noticing.

"Your last chance, my friend. Where are the money and the jewels?" Ren asked pointing with his saber at the last man alive on the floor.

"We don't have any. Yesterday we sold everything! I swear, I swear we did.!" The man screamed again and again.

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