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Azam pushed herself, she knew that if she didn't win this combat Palpatine wouldn't let her get the parts she needed for her new lightsaber.

Beads of sweat covered her face and went down her back as she dodged, lunged and attacked the guards.

"Come on, Azam! You're slow" Palpatine shouted.

Azam concentrated more and hit one of the guards disarming him.

There were two more to go.

She used the force to lift one of them but the other took advantage of her being so foceused on the other that he was able to hit Rey in the back, making her fall on her face and hit the floor.

Azam cursed under her breath.

During training the soldiers were allowed to hurt her as much as she could hurt them, meaning that she had to move and fast if she didn't want to end up with something broken.

As she could she rolled to her side avoiding an attack and then stood up, she grunted from the pain but bit her lip to concentrate.

This time she went for a combat with her saber and their weapons, after a half hour filled with jumps and another injury she was able to put them down.

"Very good, very good, Azam. During your next training you'll face six guards, I know you will do it even better than today". Palpatine said from the throne.

He had a small smile, happy with how exhausted Azam looked.

She had one knee on the floor and the other bent, a sign of respect when talking to her master. Some of her hair had scaped her braids, beads of sweat covered her body and there was blood on her cheek and her lip.

Palpatine considered her somewhat like a pet. To be trained. To entertain him.

"You can go now" if she didn't she may have passed out anyways, he thought.

His machine started moving him away, to the laboratory when he heard Azam's voice.


"Yes?" he didn't turn around.

"Have I earned the materials for my lightsaber?" Palpatine side smiled again.

"One of the guards will deliver them to you later"

"Thanks grandpa!" She exclaimed and stood up as if she was going to go and hug him. "I mean, thanks Master" she cleared her throat and bowed even if Palpatine wasn't looking at her.

What the hell was she thinking speaking like that?

Palpatine didn't welcomed her or say anything else but left instead.

Good. He thought. Once again, just like training a pet. Giving her a price every time she did something right and punishing when doing the wrong. She was going to be the most obedient apprentice.

Somewhere else

"Grandfather... please, tell me what to do." Kylo sat in his bedroom and closed his eyes.

That was how he was able to comunicate to his grandfather and today he needed his guide.

He wasn't sure if he should stay with Snoke, after all he had tried to kill him, and the weeks following that his training had been hard and on his opinion useless.

Should he go out with the knights? He was their leader after all. Should he ask Snoke to allow him to be with the first order aboard the new death star? He didn't know what to do.

And a small part, a tiny, bothering one also wanted to contact his parents.

"Continue your training, be strong with the force" he heard his grandfather's voice say. It was deep and machine like, but somehow it brought comfort to Kylo.

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