14. Ahead

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"I almost had it! I was so close!" Azam couldn't control herself.

All the way to Exegol and during all the time she had been talking to the Emperor she had been uncapable of not shouting and getting mad, her eyes were shining like never before with pure rage and she had already hurt her lips with her fangs.

Palpatine hadn't said a word, he was only looking at her as she kept talking and talking.

"But I put a tracker on the ship so, I won't lose them... I'm going after them again Emperor, I-"

"Have you finished?" he finally spoke.

Azam stopped pacing and stood tall, she swallowed hard, only now she was aware of the act she had put in front of the Emperor.

"I'm sorry Emperor... I-" she bowed her head and was kneeling on the floor but she felt Palpatine's power not letting her do it.

"You saw the map" he said.

"I did but it was... incomplete" Palpatine waited for her, Azam hadn't talk loud enough and the ever present storm on Exegol had silenced her.

"It was incomplete, my Lord". she repeated.

"Where is the rest of it?"

Azam bit the inside of her mouth until she tasted her blood, her answer was the thing she hated the most.

"I don't know but-"

"Then go."

"Emperor" Azam took off her hood and stepped forward.

"You said you put trackers on them, if the map is not complete their probably going for the rest of it, go follow them" Contrary to what Azam had expected, Palpatine was very calm while speaking.

Why wasn't he more worried or mad?

This didn't feel right.

"I'll get ready to go my Lord, I won't come back if I don't have the information, or Skywalker's head."

This time Palpatine smirked and nodded with pride.

"Very well then, that is the kind of determination I need from a student"

Just a student... Azam thought a little dissapointed. As if it was mocking her, a lightining illuminated the throne as she walked to her room.

She wanted to rest for at least fifteen minutes and write down everything before going back to the ship.

"Update from the ship" she said into her communicator.

"They haven't moved yet, they're still insie the charger, I'll communicate any changes to you miss." A soldier answered.

She didn't answer, but turned her mic off.

Like always the first thing that greeted her on her bedroom was her mirror, and like every time, she contemplated herself.

She remembered how Han Solo had said that she was too pale to be from Jakku.

Her reflexion wasn't kind to her, she was never kind to herself.

Azam knew she was paler than other men and women she had seen on her missions out, but she wasn't sure how much was too much.

This time she had some blood smeared around her mouth, from her fangs. She opened her mouth only to find them still there.

When she was about to walk away she spotted something else, a new scar, something that wasn't there and didn't really have a reason to be there.

On her chest, near her left collar bone was a scar that was slowly extending, like trying to reach her neck.

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