17. Torn apart

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It couldn't be.

Kylo continued circling the ships, pacing in the room as he meditated about where she could be.

He got close to the bodies on the floor and Azam could almost hear the engines working inside his mind.

The corpses were next to where she had been standing.

And it wasn't correctly closed.

Kylo leaned into the ship and opened it.

Azam wondered if it would be a good idea to get out of the vent and try to get the information of the map out.

Kylo Ren started looking around the ship as Azam inched closer and closer to the exit of the vent, but something caught their attention.

A loud boom was heard.

Kylo's head lifted from the ship and Azam stopped.

Something was happening, but she knew it had nothing to do with her.

Kylo cursed before hesitating to leave, but doing it anyways.

Once he was gone Azam had the chance to give her guards finals instructions to when they got here, fire an alarm that their ship sometimes used to fnd each other and wait for her somewhere far from this ship.

"I'm so tired of this shit..." Azam murmured as she hurriedly walked through the river of soldiers going to the control room.

She took a turn that'll take her to the back part of the ship, far from everything else.

There she would wait for her signal.

As they came and go, the troopers received orders to get out and shoot to anyone suspicious and/or part of the Resistance.

So they were here already...

If they had the droid with the map, what were they doing here?

Then she remembered that the First Order had blown up  the Republic... their most important allies.

She snickered.

It felt like she'll get what she had come from after all.

"Stop them from shooting then! Go to the ships!" Kylo screamed at other troopers that stood with their hands on their guns.

"Sir, the shield is up, but we registered some internal explosions" A General said.


"Here" he showed Kylo the place on the map.

"Did you register any breach on the security?"

"No Sir, only... only the explosions"

"Idiot" Kylo murmured and started walking towards the place the General had signaled.

Whoever provoqued that should still be there.

He secretly hoped that girl had gotten injured so she would be over and he wouldn't have a reminder of another of his failures.

On his way there he tried looking for her force, her energy... anything. But he couldn't  feel her.

He got to a part of the ship that had many levels, the only way to get from one side to another was to cross some elevate dplatforms there. Not a very safe place to be, but he felt like something was calling him.

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