11. Blood

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"Master, the resistance doesn't know where Luke is either but they've recruited a famous pilot around the galaxy, Poe Dameron, to get information about Skywalker's location." Azam bowed her head as she told the information to Palpatine.

"Any information on where the rebel base is at?" he asked.

"Not yet, but I'll follow the pilot"


Azam waited with her hands behind her back to say her next words.

"I may be out for a long-time Master, I want to be very careful about not giving myself away. My contact told me to meet tomorrow and he'll tell me where the pilot is going to."

"As long as you keep informing me you can stay out Azam. You are dismissed for now. Good job."

"Thank you, master." Rey bowed once more and then walked away to her bedroom.

She had missed her bed so much, when she had missions she could be out for days or weeks.

Azam kicked her boots off to relax for a while before she went to her desk and wrote all her discoveries down on her notebook.

It took two years for Palpatine to let her go out again, and her growth through fifteen to sixteen had been the hardest for her so far, but she got out stronger than ever.

She was thankful that Palpatine had been so hard on her and made her earn his permission to go out, because when she did, she came face to face with a difficult world to live in.

Bad things had happened to her once she started going out, but they could have been worst if she hadn't learned her lessons.

Now she always felt warm coming back to Exegol, with the thunder and lightnings welcoming her, the soft sand under her boots and the respect of her master and the Sith eternals.

About Palpatine's respect and trust he had even granted her permission to go out on her 19th birthday earlier this year and didn't ask where she was going.

She wrote the code name of her informant down


Is currently in Genove, far from the casinos.

Has located the Poe Dameron.

I have to kill him once I get to the pilot.

Met once with Leia Skywalker.

Skywalker's name was underlined with force, for years her hatred towards the jedi and the family responsible of her parents deaths had only grown stronger.

She had found many misleading clues about Luke's location in the past and she had followed them with passion only to end up nowhere.

Azam hadn't even been able to triangulate the rebel base, but she was close.

She was sure.

She had multiple pages dedicated to sightings and theories of where they might be and she was pretty sure that she'll find them soon.

Azam went out to ask a trooper to bring her something to eat.

She was sure that she wouldn't be bothered for the rest of the day as she had already made report to Palpatine.

Her training had finished when she earned her right to go on missions again and only occasionally did Palpatine asked her to fight or something else.

After eating and taking a shower she prepared her things for her trip tomorrow, she had calculated that she'll have to go for at least a week.

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