New Chance

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-Several hours after the USJ raid, League of Villains bar-

A purple portal opens up in the middle of the bar. Tomura walks in through the portal which turns back into Kurogiri immediately after. Almost instantly Tomura gets grabbed by the throat and slammed into a wall and Kurogiri gets pressed against the floor by a barrier wall. Tomura looks to see Dabi holding him up against the wall, Hino crushing Kurogiri with a barrier, Katsuragi pointing a gun at him, Spinner with his sword made of swords next to Kurogiri's head and the others looking either angry or disturbed.

Tomura: Is that any way to greet your leader?

Dabi: You son of a bitch!

Katsuragi: You've got some explaining to do, you bastard!

Tomura: That so?

Tomura says as he shifts his gaze to the right. Dabi shifts his gaze as well allowing Tomura to kick him in the gut. Tomura follows with an elbow to the face and sweeps Dabi's feet so he lands on his back. Katsuragi fires two shots but Tomura dodges them and grabs the gun which he turns to dust. He grabs Katsuragi by the neck using four fingers and stomps down on Dabi's throat.

Dabi: 'What the hell?! I didn't even catch his moves. When did he get so strong?!'

Tomura: If you're gonna try and attack someone, I suggest you do it right.

Tomura hears the click of a revolver being cocked. His eyes look to the left to see Rin holding a gun up to the side of his head.

Tomura: Rin...seeing you like this reminds me of an old saying. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

Rin: Whether you let go of them or not, it doesn't change the fact that I will kill you.

Tomura: Well then...

Tomura slowly stomps down harder on Dabi's throat and slowly brings his fifth finger closer to Katsuragi's neck. Rin is about to pull the trigger until a black sludge manifests in the bar. The sludge disappears to reveal All for One himself. Though he wore his mask, everyone can clearly tell that he is furious.

Tomura: Oh, Sensei.

AFO: Tomura.

Tomura: On edge, that's not good.

AFO: Release them.

Tomura: Ok, ok. I'm not here for conflict.

Tomura says as he drops Katsuragi and takes his foot off of Dabi's throat. The two of them stand up and step back. Rin remains in the same position with the gun pointed to Tomura's head.

Tomura: Can I get a little breathing room?

AFO: You will explain yourself. Now. Explain to me why you left Izuku and Toga behind to be captured and why I shouldn't kill you where you stand.

Tomura: I was seeking to complete the mission. All Might was after all right there and easily killable. It's not my fault the brat couldn't go through with it.

Red electricity sparks all around AFO's body. He grips his fist and the sparks scorch the wooden floor.

AFO: I told you that only Nomu was meant to fight All Might. I told you specifically that the mission would be deemed a failure and retreat was the option were Nomu to fail.

Tomura: I was being realistic. We'll likely never receive another opportunity quite like that since Nomu was unattainable. And even if he was, he'd be useless. After all, he couldn't manage to kill All Might. There was no way I would've been able to take on all those pros. The brat had the best chance of killing them all. Of course, it was only a chance.

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