Archives and OC

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Tora: The latest of the young villain's missions has been made public. However it appears that introductions are needed, and that events have taken place between the second and third mission. Not to worry though, all can be revealed through the League's archives. What takes place in these villain files has occurred and could quite possibly have importance in the future. Also, the future of this universe takes priority over the past so don't expect me to put my focus on these files. I'll leave it up to you to choose which file is first.





Mission failed


Izuku and Tomura

Choose wisely.

Tora: Oh and there'll be an OC in the next chapter. I'll introduce them now so as to not break the flow of the next chapter.

 I'll introduce them now so as to not break the flow of the next chapter

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Tora: I don't own this character or her name. All credit goes to the artist that drew her.

Name: Meri Kuchiki

Quirk: Acceleration. Allows the user to increase the speed throughout  their whole body. This however also increases the rate at which they become fatigued.

Now as for her costume.

Tora: Don't judge for not being creative, this is the best a guy with no artistic talent can think of

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Tora: Don't judge for not being creative, this is the best a guy with no artistic talent can think of. Anyways, look forward to seeing her in future chapters. And with that I must go. PEACE OUT.

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