First Mission: Vampire

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In a dark alley a young man dressed formally and wearing a mask can be seen walking into a nearby building.

Izuku: Master, I have arrived at the location.

AFO: Excellent. Now be careful. Your target is proficient in throwing knives. If you let her get distance, then you'll be giving her an advantage. You are permitted to use your quirks as you see fit. However, you are not to use ALL FOR ONE to steal her quirk. You must also capture her alive and with as little damage as possible. Understood?

Izuku: Understood.

AFO: Good. Contact me as soon as you've captured her.

As the conversation ends, Izuku begins to search the building.

Meanwhile at the league of villains' bar

Tomura: Sensei, are you sure about letting him go on this mission? He's really scrawny and doesn't look like he'll be good in a fight.

Kurogiri: I have to agree with Shigaraki, sir. He doesn't appear to have any muscle and I question whether or not he'll be able to use those quirks properly.

AFO: You have nothing to worry about. I have a nomu watching him that will jump in if anything goes wrong. Also, there's another reason why I sent him besides recruiting Toga Himiko.

Tomura: What reason is that sensei?

AFO: I want to know if his ultimate soldier self is able to think rationally when on a mission.

Tomura: What do you mean?

AFO: His quirk removes all of his emotions including fear. He does not fear dying. There's a chance that he'll risk dying in order to complete a mission. I want to confirm if it's more than just a chance.

Back to Izuku

Izuku is walking through the building until he notices something out of the corner of his eye. He turns around and notices a skinny creature with an exposed brain. After observing it in silence for a few minutes, he walks up to the creature and places his hand on its brain. A large purple fire emits from his hand and incinerates the creature.

Izuku: Irregularity exterminated.

Izuku then resumes his walk until he reaches a large door. He opens the door and is met with a sight that normal people would gag at. On the ground were several people in costumes all bleeding. Some were dead while others showed some sign of life. Izuku ignores this as his attention is at the rooms end. He walks closer and sees a girl matching the photo given to him by his master. The girl appears to be drinking the blood of a human.

Izuku: Target found.

The girl turns around and faces the masked intruder.

???: Who are you.

Izuku: I am the recruitment agent for the league of villains, Hiro.

???: League of villains? What do they want with me?

Izuku: Toga Himiko. You have been selected to join the league as one of its lead members.

Toga: Eh? Why should I get involved with people like you? Go away so I can finish drinking this guy's blood.

Izuku: Refusing is not an option.

Toga: You're annoying. Guess I'll be having another blood bag.

Toga stands up and throws the knives that she hid at Izuku. Izuku blasted fire at the knives which stopped them in their tracks. When Izuku stopped emitting fire he noticed that Toga was nowhere in sight. Izuku calmly scans the room looking for her. He notices another knife flying towards him. Again he stops it with his fire.

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