Villain Files: Rin

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--League Archive--

--3rd file--


5 months before the events of the third mission, the League's newly established Vanguard team, accompanied by Toga, had been sent on their first mission. All had run smoothly, that is until the group was captured an hour into their mission. 3 hours later, the group is being held prisoner in a desert military base. Toga, Compress, Magne, and Spinner can be seen in one of the jail cells.

Toga: Ugh, it's so damn hot in here.

Spinner: The hell do you expect?! We're in a fucking desert?!

Toga: I know that, I'm just complaining since there's nothing else to do in here!

Compress: Would you two please be quiet?!

Toga: Hey, it's her fault we got caught!

Toga: How is it my fault?! You're the one who just sunbathed in the middle of the base!

Spinner: I can't help myself, it's biology!

Magne: You're our vanguard here, you can't just give in to nature like that.

Toga: God, why did I have to get stuck with you guys? I could be back at home nuzzling in bed with my Izu-kun.

Compress: In case you forgot, you're the head honcho when it comes to stealth. You oversee all the stealth missions.

Toga: Oh yeah. But it's still not fair! I had to miss my morning blood smoothie for this!

???: Quiet down in there!

The four villains look out their jail cell and see a black-haired woman in a military nurse uniform with a medical table.

???: At least try to wait quietly while we decide what to do with you.

Toga: Well excuse us if we don't like being held prisoner by a bunch of military douchebags!

???: One more word from you and I'll lock you up in solitary!

Toga: Tch, bitch.

???: I heard that!

Toga: I hope you did!

Spinner: What do you want from us now?! Our pride?!

???: I'm here to collect blood samples.

Magne: What, why?!

???: We need them for identification purposes. Now either give it up peacefully or get tranquilized so we can get it.

Compress: Not really giving us an option, are you? Fine we'll cooperate, right?

Toga: Yeah, yeah.

After getting their blood samples, the female soldier leaves them to themselves.

Spinner: Ow, I hate needles.

Magne: Yet you carry so many swords.

Compress: Toga, did you get it?

Toga: *Smile* Yeah, got it. Work your magic.

Toga says before tossing Compress a military communication device. Compress pulls out a pearl of his and decompresses it to reveal some sort of data chip. Compress plugs the chip into the device which causes the chip to turn red.

Compress: Alright, the signals being sent. All we need to do now is wait.

Toga: Knowing my Izu-kun, he'll be here within the minute.

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