Interview and Dagobah beach

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It's been three months since Izuku began training his body and quirks under AFO. He's made decent progress in building a bit of muscle, but the most development seems to be in his quirks. He's discovered that he can use his Soul Fire quirk to turn his fingers into makeshift blowtorches. He's learned to combine his sharpen and crystal quirks to turn his limbs into unbreakable blades. After testing out his volcano quirk, he found out that it will burn him if he uses it for too long. He's developed his scan quirk to the point where he can scan a human body for problems. The only quirk he hasn't worked on is his munch quirk. He's currently practicing how to use knives with Toga in the League's underground training facility (Which was built on soldier Izuku's recommendation).

Izuku is standing in complete darkness while holding a dagger in each hand.

Izuku is standing in complete darkness while holding a dagger in each hand

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(Left dagger) 

(Right dagger)

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(Right dagger)

In the shadows is Toga dressed in a black suit and wearing night vision goggles. Izuku is looking around using his search to try and locate Toga. He notices and focuses on a blue aura coming straight at him. He uses his dagger to block a knife trying to slash his face.

Toga: Not bad Izu-kun, but you let your guard down.

Izuku notices something coming from above and jumps back to avoid it. He drops his knife as he jumps back. He sees a grey aura in the shape of a knife falling. Toga grabs the knife as its falling and lunges at Izuku.

Toga: I win.

Toga tries to stab Izuku but he blocks it with the dagger he didn't drop. She tries to use the knife she had in her other hand to stab Izuku, but he grabs her wrist before she stabs him. Using the momentum of them falling, Izuku swings Toga over his shoulder and slams her back on the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, he positions himself on top of Toga and stabbed his dagger into the floor just barely missing her face.

Izuku: Target immobilized. Training complete. Result: Victory.

As Izuku said this, the lights switched on revealing the room covered in slash marks that they were in. Izuku gets off of Toga and retrieves the dagger that he dropped.

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