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"Lumine? You're here again?"

The bird chirps and landed on the desk. It turned into a girl with short blonde hair. She looks almost like the boy in front of her only if she had a gentler look.

"Yeah on an errand for that prince again. He's been sending letters to a girl that he fancies here"

Aether almost spit out his tea. He ended up coughing and Lumine has to pat his back.

"A girl he likes in Liyue? How? When did they meet? I never saw him here before"

"I don't know and I don't need to know. All I need to do is send letters to her and go back to him again. It's boring and I'm tired of flying back and forth so I'm going to take a break here"

Lumine got down from the desk and stretched her arms and legs. Some pops could be heard and then she plopped down on Aether's bed.

"Tifs bef ish sho shof"
(This bed is so soft)

Aether could only shook his head at his sister. He wiped the drops of tea that was left on the desk earlier.

"Of course it is. It's from the Emperor. Don't you have a soft bed too? Considering you're working right under the crown prince"

Lumine turn her head towards Aether and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but I rarely get to sleep in it since I have to go deliver that stupid letter everyday and then do chores from the prince right after!"

Aether chuckled.

"Sucks to be you. I actually got many day off by working under the emperor"

"Lucky you.."

Lumine grumbled into the pillow and clenched her fists. She started hitting the pillow again and again.

"But the downside is that I can't leave the palace very often. While you.. you can fly wherever you want even when delivering letters. Like now. You had so much freedom. To be outside.. I want to trade places even"

"Then let's trade places! I don't want to be a messenger bird anymore!"

"But are you willing to do stacks and stacks of paperworks and reading then signing them inside a room for hours?"

".... Nevermind I'll just become a bird forever then"

Aether burst out laughing from his sister's reply as she dove her head into the pillows again.

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