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"Oh forgive me I didn't see you there"

"It's fine.. Lady Xingqiu?"

When the boy look up he was surprised to find Xingqiu.

"Yes I am. Oh you're the boy from before. Chongyun was it?"

"Y-yes ma'am"

"Don't call me that. It feels old"

"I'm sorry m- lady Xingqiu"

The boy dusts off his clothes and bowed to Xingqiu. If he had known he was going to meet Xingqiu here today he would've dressed more fancy and watch where he was going. Sadly he had to do something and rushed because he overslept.

"I'm very sorry for bumping into you. I promise I'll make it up to you another time. I need to get going now"

And then he rushes off before Xingqiu can say goodbye. Xingqiu tilted his head while watching the boy run off.


He figures the boy was busy because of the recent news. The crown prince of the neighbouring kingdom was going to visit Liyue. From Mondstadt. The land of wind and freedom.

"Lady Xingqiu there you are! Please stop running off! We need to get to the boutique fast before they already took on too much requests!"

Xingqiu just nodded at his maid and followed. Of course he himself was busy. His father told him to go out with his maids to get a dress, accessories, and other stuff for the occasion.

"It's to keep up our family's name. What would the people say if the daughter of Feiyun House didn't dress as fancy as her family? There would be rumours that we're not raising you right. And we don't want that now do we?"

That's what his father told him. He sighs as he remembered it. It's not like he hates it he just doesn't like to go out and buy one. He prefers to stay inside and read his novels again.

He stayed still as the taylor measured him. This boutique is an old one. The owner knew the Feiyun House second child's secret and was told to not tell anyone. Of course after being paid a massive amount of money they shut their mouth.

"You know your chest is going to be a problem the more you grow up. Your shoulders too"

"I know.."

They weren't afraid of talking about this since the owner told the maids to wait in the waiting room. They were on the second floor right now for more privacy.

"I just hope by then that your parents will tell the truth to the people"

"I don't think it'll happen.. they'll probably lock me up inside forever"

The granny noted down the measurements and put back her measuring tape.

"That's a shame. Maybe you could run away before that time comes- oh I shouldn't say that in front of you"

"It's fine granny"

'Running away seems kind of fun actually.. it's not like I'm the heir or anything so it's probably fine if I'm gone. I'm nothing but a jewel for display anyway'

After dressing up again Xingqiu thanked the owner and head out with his maids. The shopping trip wasn't over yet he already look tired. He really doesn't like shopping.

"Lady Xingqiu do you want to visit the tea house after this?"

"The tea house? Sure"

'Haven't visited Yunjin in a while.. I miss her. I want to hear her stories again'

He internally smile and patiently follow his maids as they showed him different types of accessories and perfumes. He wanted to just go with what his maids recommends but..

"Everything is good if our lady is wearing it!"

"Yes! Lady Xingqiu can even wear a commoners' clothes and still look beautiful!"

He picked the simple but beautiful accessories and the perfume made with silk flowers. The scent wasn't too strong and it suited Xingqiu's preference. The maids agreed to what their lady picked and the three of them went to the tea house.

'I wonder how she's been doing lately.. hopefully she won't be too angry that I haven't visited for so long'

Xingqiu internally prayed for his own safety on the way to the tea house.

Lady Xingqiu Is Not A Real LadyWhere stories live. Discover now