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Xingqiu woke up to a tapping at his window. He pushed the curtains aside and saw a familiar bird with a piece of paper tied on it's leg. But this time the bird seem to be carrying a white flower in it's beak too.

Xingqiu opened the window and let the bird in. The bird sat at it's usual place on top of Xingqiu's desk and dropped the flower there.

"A flower? Did your master made you deliver me a flower or did you do it yourself?"

The bird didn't answer and just pointed at it's leg with its beak. Xingqiu chuckled and nodded. He undid the small knot. He took the letter while the bird stretches.

"Good morning my jade~
Wishing you a good day today as always
Maybe we could meet one of these days? I'm currently in Liyue now since I'm going to attend the ball not long from now. Hope to see you there! -V"

"Oh V is visiting Liyue? Maybe I'll meet them at the party then. I can't wait to finally meet my penpal!"

The bird look at Xingqiu and seem to shake it's head. Xingqiu look confusedly at the bird.

"What? Can't I be happy to meet someone?"

He spoke to the bird as if it could answer him. As expected the bird just stays silent and look at him as if giving him an uninterested stare.

"Oh I should write a reply before the maids comes in"

Xingqiu quickly search for his fountain pen (gifted by Albedo) and grabbed a small paper to write.

"I also wish you a great day.
I can't wait for us to meet.
Maybe we could talk more at the party than just using your bird. -XQ"

Xingqiu tied the paper to the bird's leg and walked to his window with the bird.

"Have a safe trip little one"

He sent the bird off with a wave and watched it fly away. And then as he expected there was a knock on his door before a maid comes in with his breakfast.

"Oh! Lady Xingqiu I didn't know you were awake already"

"Ah the birds woke me up today. But I get to feel the fresh morning air so it was nothing"

"Well here is your breakfast. Today you will be meeting a suitor that requested to meet with you"

Xingqiu look at the maid and tilted his head.

"A suitor? It's been a long time since someone has come and tried to ask my hand in marriage. I thought all of the people in Liyue have up already"

"It seems not my lady. This suitor is.. quite persistent. Your father couldn't handle his tantrum and finally gave him a chance"

A tantrum? Oh dear he'll be facing a spoiled son of a rich family isn't he? He chuckled nervously.

"Can I not attend today..?"

"I wish I could say yes to that but sadly you can't my lady"

Xingqiu let out a long sigh. This is going to be a long day.

"A lady should hold her man's arm! Weren't you taught proper etiquette!?"

"But you're not-"

"Not YET! But soon enough we'll be engaged and I don't want to have a wife who is lacking!"

Lady Xingqiu Is Not A Real LadyWhere stories live. Discover now