Crushing [Micha🧡]

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(lets go to the beginning shall we *sigh* I love backstory don't you?)

Micha was an old friend I knew from middle school. He never seemed like the type to be so forward or outgoing, always the last one to leave the classroom.

It always hurt me to see him get ignored, or to not be spoken to. Sure, he had his brothers but they didn't do much either. I'd see the 3 of them together, Seth, and occasionally Gene, sitting together at lunch. It was strange how he never came to school regularly... But I never actually spoke to them until one day I just couldn't stand seeing them so alone.

*~°super epic flashback °~*

I sat across from the brothers in the gym, us and a handful of other kids would always have lunch in the gym instead. I silently ate my granola bar as I watched the three of them... No-not in a creepy way or anything- just... observing..? I watched as Seth and Gene would occasionally turn to each othe and then to Micha. Though I couldn't understand or barley hear what they were saying.

I see Seth suddenly stop talking. Gene makes a confused face. They both glance at me, and I look away. They totally saw me looking at them-

As I try to save face, I turn around. However I made eye contact with another person. Some guy named Camden I think.
We made eye contact and he grinned "You got a problem with the Reffs kids?" I internally panic. "Wha- no I-" Something about him just ticked me off, he beamed as he stood up. "Of course you do! I got a problem with that Gene guy." he said "I'll take care of them for you."

Aaaand he's off.

Y'know I think that would've been more intimidating if Camden himself didn't look soo... plain.

Not exactly hated or ever bullied, but he definitely wasn't popular. Well known, but it's not like he was important I guess.

The girl next to him, Sophie, came to sit next to me. Very sweet girl. "You think he's actually gonna do something this time?" she said. "I mean I hope not."

"I think it was cause Gene and him we're playing some card game, and he lost... I dunno, nerd shit."


"Oh nothing. Hey look it's starting!"

She tapped my shoulder and pointed to the boys. Camden was getting in their faces. Placing a hand on Micha's shirt, Gene and Seth stood up, both taller than Camden. He didn't stop though. I head the faintest gasp from Micha as I saw Camden pull back the collar on Micha's shirt. Choking him.

Seth would've ran at him if Gene wasn't already holding on to his brother's arms to try and stop him from doing so.

That's it.

"Hey where you going?" Sophie asked as I stood.

What am I doing?! I can't actually stop this fight can I? UGH! stop it- just stop moving legs!

"What the heck are you doing?!" I shouted as I did my best to part Camden from Micha. Camden stumbled back, I yanked his wrist away from Micha. He stumbled and yelped as I held on. "Hey! Let go!"

What do I do!? What do I do!?

I held him for a few seconds more before I froze and let go. Camden's face went red as he pouted and walked away.

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