A Heartbreaking Betrayal

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I watched as Conor ran across the field, laughter filling his lungs, the sun shining perfectly across his face. A small smile pierced my lips. He turned to face me, eyes closed, a wide smile and took my hand in his. The sunset reflected off his slim features, his blue eyes glowing. His innocent smile sealed in my head, his warm hands holding mine. His baggy green shirt hung heavily over his waist, his long brown hair brushing against the wind, his dark blue short waving north along with the grass.

"Hurry up, were going to miss it." He called over the sound of trees dancing in the wind and birds flying overhead, His strong Irish accent ringing in my ears. I pulled on a smile, running next to him, hoping this could never end. We ran on top of the hill, our shoes becoming muddy from the wet mud that had been drenched from the morning rain. The streets of Ireland are seemingly empty. We sat down on the wet grass, still hand in hand, laughing at jokes we both made up. Conor leaned his head on my shoulder, smiling up at the sky as the sun began to disappear.

I screamed, the sight before me burning my eyes as tears slowly began to fall. Blood coated the bathroom floor, his petite face, his slim figure, his baggy clothes. I kneeled down next to him, watching him slowly drift out of reality, as I sobbed next to him. Time began to slow down, forcing me to watch my best friend, my lover, drift away from me. I took a deep breath, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leaning him against the wall. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and called for an ambulance, with shaky breaths, and a broken heart. How could he do this? I waited. It felt like it had been an eternity before the ambulance had arrived, picking Conor up and placing him in a bed, rolling him toward the ambulance. I pulled myself in the ambulance with him, holding his hand in mine.

"I miss her, Oscar." I wrapped my arms around the sobbing boy next to me, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I know you do." I said, kissing his cheek as we cuddled next to his bed. Tears began to soak my shirt as he clinged on to me, soaking my left shoulder. He lifted his head to face me, his eyes were sore, his tear stained cheeks brushed against mine. He smiled sweetly as he nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. My hands slid down his back, stopping at his hips. He then began to laugh, attempting to push my hands off him as I tickled him.

The ambulance ride was long and full of stares and sobbing. Conor lay still next to me as two doctors stood beside him to keep him alive. My eyes hurt, I had a headache, my heart ached and all I could do was watch as he drifted away. I couldn't do anything to save him. His petite face was no longer the boy I used to know. He seemed sader this way. He looked broken and lost. I held my face in my hands. This is all my fault.

"Don't avoid the question!" Conor yelled, tears running down his face.My blood was boiling as I screamed back at him.

"It doesn't matter!"

"Answer the question," He cried, staring me in the eye before continuing, "did you sleep with her?" He looked heartbroken.

"Yes! Ok? Yes I did. But it meant nothing, I love you not her!" I cried back at him, watching his tears soak into the carpet. "I was drunk. It was a mistake. I never meant any of it." I spoke, my voice slowly lowering down to a whisper. I looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact as it would only make it worse. "Can you ever forgive me?" I asked, my voice cracking mid-sentence.

"I think I need time." he replied before he was out of sight. I fell down to the ground, sobbing, wishing he could come back to me.

We had finally arrived at the hospital. He was rushed in immediately, me following shortly behind. The waiting room was painfully quiet. I looked around, my eyes landing on two people hugging and crying, packing up ready to leave. I bit my lip impatiently, my eyes now fixed on the door. I hadn't even realised that I was crying until I felt the tears fall on to my hand. I sat back, my eyes slowly closing, and I attempted to calm myself down.

It had felt like forever until a doctor had walked out of the room, with a sour face, and a clipboard in hand.

"Oscar O'Sullivan?" He said, staring right at him. I stood from the place I was sat, anxiously gazing back at him. "I'm sorry for your loss."

A sharp pain struck through my chest, my head feeling heavy, any hope I had left was long gone. Tears began falling uncontrollably. My lips went dry. He's really gone.

This is just a short story I felt like writing. I hope you enjoyed it and please give me any suggestions for a new story. Have a nice day. 

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