Was it really hate?

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"Stupify!" I yelled, pointing my wand toward he tall man who stood in the doorway. He flew backwards, banging into the wall behind him. My mother's favorite vase shattered on the floor next to him. I never understood why she liked it though. I quickly ran down the stairs, soon finding myself face to face with a woman who wore a massive grin on her face. I ducked down as he words 'Avada kadavera' slipped past her lips. A bright green spark flew above my head, hitting the wall behind me.
"Expelliarmus!" I yelled, knocking her wand a good six feet away from her. "Stupify!" I screamed at her, knocking her back into a table. Glass cups and china plates shattered all along the floor. She fell unconscious on the table. I took that as my chance to run for the front door. It was still dark outside. I booked it down the road as fast as I could. I made it to a park.

I ducked down by a bush, trying to catch my breath as several death eaters ran past, calling my name. "Potter!"
My breathing became ragged and my heat began pounding at an abnormal pace. After a short while of sitting behind a bush in silence, I got up and started running again. I kept running until I made it to Diagon ally where I bump into a woman. She wore a pink blazer along with a tight pink skirt. Dolores Umbridge. I stared at her for a moment. I was lost in thought for a while, only to be brought out by a loud psychotic laugh.
"Is something the matter, child?" She said, her voice calm yet loud.

"Hide me, please!" I said, quickly moving behind her as three more death eaters walked past, Wands in hands, all of them calling out 'potter'. Dolores smiles almost sweetly at me, taking my arm and pulling me into a shop.
"What's your name, child?" She asked, taking me up he stairs in this shop.
"My name is Lily. Lily Potter." She just stopped walking, staring at me like I was a ghost or something.
"Potter?" She mumbled, seemingly angrier than before.

"Please, miss. I need help. They want to kill me. I have no where else to go I can't find my sibling or my parents anywhere. Please!" I cried.

"I'm not surprised." She pauses for a moment, "however, I suppose I could hide you from them."

"Thank you so much, miss." I cried again. She smiled at me once again, pulling out a chair from a table.

"Take a seat, child. I'll make some tea." I sat down at the small table, two chairs either side. My eyes wondered the room I was sat in. There was a photograph who I remember to be Cornelius Fudge. He looked smart, as though it was no a photo indicating love but instead work. There was a clear glass vase with various types of flowers next to the photo. There was sixteen plates hung on he wall, each with a picture of a moving cat on it. The rooms walls were all pink, along with the carpet, the table cloth, the curtains and the plates.

Not long after she left, she enters the room once again, holding two cups of tea. She places them both on the table and sits down in the other chair. The tea was also a pastel pink color.

"I don't know what my dad was talking about," I started, "you seem like a very nice person." She simply nodded in response, taking a sip of her tea.

"Yes well, your father was troublesome back in school." She stated, looking anywhere but at me. I was quite shocked at that. He had always told me he was a good child, and always respected people. She then grabbed a quill and paper, which I could only read the top few words as she wrote them down.
Dear Harry Potter
I began to get worried but I felt so safe with her I just couldn't bring myself to ask her about it.

(Dolores POV)
I began writing the letter, hiding the page one I realized Lily had been watching.
Dear Harry Potter
Your daughter, Lily Potter, is with me. This shall be my revenge for ruining my life. After all you have done to me, you may now pay the price. Her blood is on your hands.
Hoping you are well,
Dolores Umbridge

Once I finished the letter, I folded it up and tucked it gently into a pink envelope before stamping and writing Harry Potter on the front of the envelope.

"I like the cat plates." Lily said, breaking the silence.
"Ahh, yes. They where a gift from my mother before she had died." I simply said, avoiding eye contact.

(No one's POV)
After nearly an hour of chatting, Dolores has a strong pain in her chest as she was about to send the letter. Lily lays asleep on the pink sofa in the corner of the room, motionless. Dolores looked down at the letter once again. The truth is, the two had talking a lot in those past few hours, and had somehow bonded with each other. Dolores felt devastated that she wanted to kill the poor girl from the beginning. So we sent a letter to Harry.

(Harry's POV)
A letter landed on the table in front of me. It was bright pink and had my name written on it. Carefully I took the letter out. It read:
Dear Harry Potter,
Your daughter, Lily Potter, is currently with me. You have raised an amazing young lady and I do believe that she has changed my thoughts on you.
She ran into me asking for help so I provided, thinking I could use her to get revenge on you. Now that we have talked for so long, my plans have changed. Come collect her at olivanders, we are in the room above that.
She is the spitting image of your mother.
She is a wonderful girl.
Hoping you are well,
Dolores Umbridge

Sorry it took so long to get this story out and thank you to Rugratsfan101 for suggesting this story. I hope you enjoyed it and please comment if you have a suggestion. Have a nice day<3

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