
Tears slowly ran down my face as I shoved another bite in my mouth, chewing quickly before putting another bite in my mouth. I sobbed quietly, their faces burning in my head as every moment of that night flashed through my head. Their bodies went limp as blood poured from them, the thick red liquid coating the floor and my shoes. The vision was blurred with tears as their lifeless faces gazed back up at me. My heart was pounding and my head was aching. I did not need to remember that night but it was impossible to forget. For so long their breathless bodies had stared daggers into my soul as I tried to escape the haunting memory. My mind filled with the laughter of my son, Bruce. The tears when he fell and scraped his knee. I shoved another bite in my mouth. The image of Thomas on one knee in front of me, a beautiful ring in his hand, as he proposed to me. Then my son in my arms for the first time.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by Alfred walking in with a plate in his hand. He frowned as his eyes landed on the plate of food in my hand. Walking towards me, he smiled and took the plate from my hands, taking a seat next to me and placing the plate on the table, along with the plate in my hands. I looked up with a confused expression as he opened his mouth to speak. "I miss them as much as you do, Miss, but you do need to let go. You don't need to be sitting around and weeping forever. You should go out and find someone new." his voice was soft and kind, as though he was speaking to a child. I smiled weakly at him. He uncovered the plate which had a decorated cake, and in colorful letters on top, it said 'Happy Birthday'. Then it came back to me. It's my birthday today. I had completely forgotten since I was too focused on my husband and son's death.

"I can't find someone new. I really let myself go." I replied, averting my gaze towards my legs, where my hands sit motionless.

"Now that can't be true. You look beautiful." He said, making me look up at him.

I began to smile uncontrollably. He was being so sweet. He then cut a slice of cake, placing it on a plate with a fork and passing it to me. I bit the inside of my cheek, forcing me to not speak. I did not want to ruin this moment. He took the fork and scooped some cake, moving it toward my face. I happily accepted, taking a bite of the cake, while still keeping eye contact with him. Red velvet. My favorite. He fed me another bite, a kind smile on his face as I greatly accepted. We went on like this for a while before he abruptly stopped, placing the plate down with a stern face. I looked back up at him confusingly. He was biting his lip and staring right at me.

"Are you alright, Alfred?" I asked in a quiet tone, my voice barely audible. He moved closer to me, his eyes shifting from my eyes to my lips, as I cracked a smile .

"May I?" He asked, biting hard on his bottom lip so hard, I could have sworn there was some blood. I nodded slowly before he began to move closer to me, my eyes shutting. Within seconds his lips were on mine, moving perfectly together. It had ended just as quickly as it had started once he pulled away and smiled sweetly. I smiled back at him, shifting awkwardly in the place I sat. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding as he took my hand in his and smiled sweetly.

"I-I......uhh" I was speechless.

"It's alright. I'm so sorry, madam." he was apologetic but used his usual tone in voice, as though nothing had happened. "I-"

I cut him off, kissing him again with tears slowly falling down my cheeks. I could feel him smile against my lips as he pulled me closer. He pulled away, pushing our foreheads together gently.

"I love you." he whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I love you too."

thank you for reading this and i'm so sorry it took so long. thank you to agemforlife for suggesting this story. if anyone else has a story in mind than comment below. thank you.

OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon