17. Have Faith In Me

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Song - Have Faith In Me by A Day To Remember
Picture - One of my favorite OTP's :)(:

Alysha's P.O.V

Waiting is one of the most terrible things I have ever had to endure. I'm pretty sure it's the most terrible thing anybody has had to endure. Waiting to see if your loved one is going to make it, waiting for your child to be born, waiting, waiting, waiting.

In my case, I was just waiting to see what the doctors are going to say. It's already confirmed that I'm going to need stitches in my foot, but that should be done fairly quickly. But I was more worried about Vic at the moment. On the way to the hospital, he had blacked out. The doctors believe that it's just due to dramatic shock, but they took blood and are running some tests anyway.

I was informed that Vic was now awake, but I haven't seen him yet. Our hospital rooms are a good distance away from each other. It's killing me that I can't see him. Even though both of our phones have survived the accident, and we've been texting each other as soon as he woke up.

Jaime, Tony, and Mike are perfectly fine and they're currently sitting in the waiting room with Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack.

Twitter was blowing up with notifications of people telling Vic and I to stay strong. I have yet to tweet them back and so does Vic, but we have bigger issues on our hands at the moment.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the door to my room being slowly pushed open. "Hello Ally, how are the feeling?" My doctor asked, clutching a clip board in his arms. Well, I can't feel anything in my foot how do you think I feel?

"I've been better." I replied, my voice sounding hoarse. "That's amazing to hear. Well, we would like to keep you over night for observation. In the spur of the moment during the car accident, you may have not felt it but you hit your head fairly hard. We just need to make sure everything is running smoothly." He informed me.

I tried to nod my head in response, but mentally kicked myself for even moving once a surge of pain rang through out my head. "Yeah, try not to move too much." He added, scribbling something down on his clip board. "Umm, how's Vic?" I asked, fumbling with the sheets on my hospital bed.

"He's doing great. He's very responsive and he did pass out due to dramatic shock."

Thank fucking god.

"Can I see him?" I questioned. "Yes you can. We're keeping you both over night so you can sleep in the same room, but just in separate beds." The doctor said.

I smiled and nodded my head as the doctor called in some nurses to wheel my bed into Vic's room. I was itching to finally see Vic and the condition he was in. I don't think I would have been able to sleep tonight if I couldn't have been with Vic.

The nurses took a sharp turn around a corner, and swung open a door to a room labeled 304. I got a glimpse of Vic's face and my heart dropped. He had a huge cut on his temple where his head hit the gurney in the ambulance. "Hey babe." Vic smiled once his eyes met with mine.

Without another word, the nurses set my bed up next to his and left the room. "How are you?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. He sighed and brought his big brown eyes in the gaze of my blue ones. "I'm still in pain, but I'm better knowing that you're okay." He replied, bringing my hand up to his lips and leaving a kiss on my knuckles. He must have noticed the look of distress on my face considering his lips twitched into a frown.

"Let's pretend it's alright. Just for tonight." He practically begged me. I quickly wiped away a tear that escaped from my eye before nodding my head. Today started off as such a good day, and it turned to absolute shit within hours. It's just now hitting me. Everything's that has happened.

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