My favorite color is Blue.

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They were six years old when Dazai first met his angel.

Dazai was lazing around in his bed when his dad returned with the news. Dazai had heard that a new family had been shifted in the house beside them. Dazai didn't like being around new people. And to say the least, Dazai wasn't at all happy when his dad told him that they were invited to the house welcome party by their neighbors. But apparently, Mori Ougai knew how to trick Dazai into doing things.

"But Dazai kun ~ They will be preparing your favorite chocolate cookies. Isn't it great? I know you are going to ask how exactly I know about this. I just talked to them outside. Would you like to buy new clothes that are perhaps not Black for today's party?"

"No. Black is my favorite color Dad."

"Okay okay. Whatever you want Dazai kun ~ "

And that's how Dazai found himself in the Rimbaud household, sitting in the corner, warming the sofa in desperate wait of cookies while other people and their kids were enjoying the party. Kids his age were playing some game which was too boring for Dazai. He was just there for his chocolate cookies anyway. Just as he was getting bored of waiting, he was tackled down from the sofa by - an angel? A beautiful angel, that's what small Dazai thought the moment he saw the small boy for the first time. His red locks fallen loosely on his face, blue eyes shining down at him as the guy laughed.

"Got'chu!" The guy shouted and held Dazai's hands in his own. Dazai would have commented on how small his hands were compared to Dazai if only he hadn't been smitten by the crinkle of his eyes and that little nose scrunch when he laughed. Dazai had felt happy. Happy to have had found someone who had, for once, interested him. Dazai decided then and there to befriend this guy.

"Wh..why are staring at me? Oye! I.I caught you so it's your turn now." His angel said, looking at him with wide eyes.

"But I wasn't playing. I was just sitting here waiting for my chocolate cookies when a small chibi tackled me." Dazai smiled as he watched his angel's cheeks turned red.

"I'm not chibi! Also sorry for this." His angel said, letting his hands go and getting off of him, with a small pout. 'I'm Chuuya by the way. Come, I will give you cookies.'

"But the hosts will get mad. I can wait. It's fine."

"I'm their son. You are our guest and dad says we should be good to our guests. So come with me, I'm in charge of giving the cookies anyway." His angel said pulling Dazai along with him. Though Chuuya said that he was in charge of distributing the cookies, he quietly lifted the whole jar of cookies prying from everyone's eyes and they both made a beeline for the front door.

And that's how they both ended up in the garden in the front yard, with a jar full of chocolate cookies. Dazai was buzzing with excitement. He finally had a friend who was sitting there with him, talking with him. And Dazai didn't even realize that there was only a single cookie left, until the moment his fingers touched the bottom of the jar.

'Sharing is the best way to make friends Dazai kun ~'

'But I don't want to make friends dad.' Dazai had replied to his dad, who was trying to give his son some tips on making friends.

"Here." Dazai gave the last cookie to his angel. Weirdly, he didn't feel sad about not getting the last cookie. Instead, Dazai found out that he liked this. He liked this feeling of sharing something with others.

"Let's eat half-half." Chuuya offered him half the cookie while eating the rest half. "Sorry. I didn't ask your name."

"Osamu. Dazai Osamu."

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