Cygnus and Clair De Lune

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Northern Cross shines in all its beauty in the northern sky, the sight of it making eyes sparkle with joy.

He had been lounging in the balcony for quite some time now, trying to think of a theme for the new song for his assignment. It was an hour until Chuuya arrives, an hour until Dazai gets to share his idea with his Chibi. So, he decides to give up on thinking choosing to spot the constellations in the sky instead, something which he has learned from Chuuya. He feels overjoyed as he can spot a few of them, his happiness increasing tenfold when he spots it, Cygnus.

It's quite easy to find the Cygnus constellation or the Northern Cross as they call it, all you need to do is,

"You have to spot Ursa Minor first. Do you see that? Those three stars in the perfect line forming a tail as if it's connected to those four stars who are forming a rectangle? That's Ursa Minor, also known as 'The Little Bear'."

"But there are two such shapes, which one should I look for? Also, why 'The Little Bear'?"

"Cause if you imagine, it forms a shape similar to bear. And you look for the shorter one, the one that has Pole star. Now you have to look at Polaris that is the Pole star, the last and the brightest star at the end of tail, and trail an imaginary line from it connecting it to the brightest star in the same path. That is Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus, the end of the tail of the swan. You know, Cygnus is symbolised as Swan. Can you see Cygnus now?"

"I can see it! Woah, this is amazing. The tail of Bear connected to the tail of swan!"

"What the?! Hahahaha!!! Yeah yeah! It is pretty cool right?"

Chuuya's laugh rings in his ears as clear as the moment, making Dazai smile as he remembers the glint in the Astronomy major's eyes every time he talks about the sky and stars.

"Yes, it is pretty cool!' He gazes at the Cygnus, still remembering the first time he was able to spot it in the sky without Chuuya's help. Not that it was the first constellation or star that Chuuya had shown him to spot. But this one holds a special place in his heart.

Cygnus, the asterism of Northern Cross or Swan, representing friendship, love, and devotion has beautiful myths involving itself. But one particular myth moved Dazai's heart,

'It is said that Phaeton, the son of Helios the sun god, and his close friend Cygnus were racing each other across the sky. They however came too close to the Sun, unable to control the reins, forcing Zeus to destroy the chariot (and Phaethon) with a thunderbolt, causing it to plummet to the earth into the river Eridanus. According to the myth, Phaethon's close friend, Cygnus, grieved bitterly discovering his dead friend's body trapped at the bottom of the river. Being unable to recover the body, he made a pact with Zeus that being, if the god gave him the body of a swan, he would only live as long as a swan usually does. Once transformed, Cygnus dived into the river for days, retrieving Phaeton's body at last giving his friend a proper burial. Being moved by Cygnus' devotion and sacrifice, Zeus placed him in the sky after his death. Hence the name Cygnus.'

"What an amazing friendship! Isn't our friendship just like this Osamu?"

"Indeed! This makes me love the constellation even more."

"I know right! It's like I'm viewing this constellation in a totally new light."

He remembers it vividly, the way Chuuya's eyes sparkled causing Dazai to distract from the topic they were discussing. The look of pure innocence and happiness on Chuuya's face made Dazai's brain halt,

"And it was like I was viewing you in a totally new light."

Dazai likes to agree with Chuuya that their relation is similar to that of Phaeton and Cygnus'. But deep down he feels that there is more to this beautiful friendship between Phaeton and Cygnus. Cygnus takes the form of Swan for his friend's sake. Swan, the symbol of pure and one true love, the one who stays loyal to its mate all its life long. And that's the most beautiful thing about it. The true depth of their relation is barred to the whole world as Cygnus' sacrifice shines in the sky, representing true love in the form of Swan.

Cause All of Me Loves All of You..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن