Fine! Friends.

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A day off is always good, Dazai thinks as he rolls in his bed enjoying the mixed feeling of the cool breeze coming through the slightly open window and the warmth of his comforter.

His frustration at receiving a notification at 5 a.m. had quickly changed into a cheerful ‘YES’ once his eyes scanned the content of the text. ‘Lectures for today have been canceled.’, the words made him cancel the alarm snuggling into the comforter but not before sending a quick text to Chibi. After an unproductive day before yesterday and exhausting day at work as well as college yesterday, this is what he had been desperately craving. Letting Chuuya know that his lectures have been canceled and that he would not want to be woken up from his peaceful sleep (because he rarely gets it), he went back to sleep. His rare peace was interrupted as Ranpo called him at around 8 a.m. causing Dazai to mourn over his loss of sleep.

“Ranpo san, I was sleeping for once. Anyway, what happened?” Dazai pouts, rubbing his sleepy eyes as he answers the call of his favorite colleague.

"I just called you to tell you that I will be working your shift today. You need to rest and work on your assignment. A composition can quite be difficult that too if you have to write your own lyrics for it. "

"Ranpo san, should I even ask how did you know that?" Dazai sits up, fully awake now after hearing Ranpo's words. It's not a surprise that Ranpo can detect such things right away but it's interesting to see how he always arrives at these accurate deductions.

"Hmm. The smudge of ink on your finger tips yesterday told me that you were writing something. Now, it could have been just a submission but I heard you humming and blurting out random words and then going 'No. This doesn't fit right.' So I assumed you were working on wordings and given that you were humming a tune to it, it must have been your composition assignment. That too, the one where you have to write your own lyrics and compose the music." Ranpo chuckles as he hears Dazai sigh on the other end, "Am I right?"

Dazai could practically hear Ranpo chuckle and visualize the glint in his eyes as he explains his observation and deduction process. Ranpo, one of the persons to whom Dazai pays due respect. And Dazai is glad that he has someone like Ranpo in his life who understands everything without having to be told.

"Ah! Observant as ever our genius Ranpo san. And thankyou so much, I actually need the day off. I owe you one."

"You better get me that new chocolate whose advertisement is recently being aired on TV."

"Hahhaha. Okay okay. Whatever my Ranpo san wishes." Dazai laughs at the childish yet innocent demand, agreeing to the deal in no second.

"And Dazai,"


"I can tell this composition is very much important to you. Just try not to reveal it yet to the person about whom you are composing this. I have a feeling, you will get the chance soon."

"What -?" The line disconnects, leaving Dazai puzzled.

Ranpo's words keep on swirling around in Dazai's head as he tries to get up and force himself away from the pleasant warmth of the comforter. He needs to make the most of his day off and he has already lost a great amount of time by sleeping some more after Ranpo's call. It's past 11 a.m. , Dazai checks as he freshens up and heads into the hall. He sees the brat sleeping peacefully in his small bed and sees the empty bowl guessing Chuuya had taken care of brat's breakfast before leaving. He feels jealous of the dog, he really does. But the jealousy vanishes within a second as he sees that Chibi has prepared breakfast for him.He notices a small note next to the breakfast kept ready and covered on the table. 'Eat up. It will give you all the energy for the assignment. Fighting! :D'  , it says. A smile laces Dazai's face as he takes a bite of his favorite dish, Chuuya's special Egg udon noodles.

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