He doesn't have to know.

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The cool breeze coming through the window makes Chuuya shiver. He opens his eyes, still hazy from sleep, only to realize that he is in his bed. He smiles -

After their little cookies snacking session, Chuuya had coaxed Dazai into drinking the new wine, that he had bought, with him. Usually, there is no stopping Chuuya when it comes to drinking but he knows his drinking limit around strangers. But around Dazai, he never cared about it. Cause Dazai was just Dazai and Chuuya knows he can trust him (Well there was that one incident when Chuuya got wasted and woke up the next morning to find mustache and beard doodled on his face, but Chuuya got his revenge on that shitty mackerel by packing him a bento only made of vegetables. Though it was annoying to hear the mackerel complain about it every now and then over the gazillion calls that Chuuya received from him, it was satisfying for Chuuya's ears to hear the damn bastard cry over something as stupid as a lunch box. So that was settled) and drink to his heart's content. But even with four glasses down, Chuuya was aware. Aware of his surroundings and everything happening. But most importantly, he was aware of Dazai. He remembers sleeping on the couch, resting his head on Dazai's chest, complaining to him about some customer at his flower shop who just wouldn't choose flowers according to their symbolism. He remembers feeling dizzy listening to Dazai's laugh as he listened to his tipsy ranting while running his fingers through Chuuya's hair, gently. He remembers Dazai carrying him to his room and placing him on the bed. He remembers Dazai sitting beside him, caressing his cheek. Chuuya remembers leaning into the touch and,

"Couldn't even handle four glasses huh? Don't worry, I've got you. Rest now, Chuuya."

Chuuya remembers, Dazai leaning close and kissing his forehead when he thought Chuuya is no longer awake, pulling the blanket over him as he left. And if Dazai had made Chuuya's heart race, he doesn't have to know.

6 am; Chuuya checks the time and gets up and out of the bed to get ready for the day. After finishing his morning routine, Chuuya comes out of his room, making his way to the kitchen, only to see Dazai sleeping on the couch in the hall.

"So you put me to bed and slept here instead of sleeping on the bed in your room? Shitty Dazai." Chuuya chuckles as he sits beside Dazai, ruffling the brunette's hair. They are fluffy and soft and Chuuya loves to ruffle them at every chance he gets. Chuuya watches the peaceful expression on Dazai's face as he sleeps. Dazai sleeps like a baby and Chuuya feels giddy watching Dazai in such a soft element. He quickly snaps some pics of 'sleeping beauty' from ridiculous angles and even takes a selfie of sleeping Dazai with himself. As he scrolls through the pics, his smile fades.

"You know Osamu, I'm doing this for my parents and also because - "


He stops immediately as he feels the brunette stir next to him. Chuuya hurries to get up but is pulled back and engulfed in Dazai's arms.

"What are you shitty Dazai? A koala?" Chuuya tries to free himself from Dazai's hug, but Dazai's hold can get ridiculous strong at times, making it difficult even for Chuuya to free out of it.

"Warm.." Dazai mumbles and if Chuuya's brain short circuits because of Dazai's raspy morning voice and what Dazai said, he doesn't have to know.

"Osamu. Get up, you have to get to work and I have to meet that guy. You are already late. I will prepare your coffee. Come on! Get up." And Chuuya can't tell if it was his imagination or he felt Dazai's grip around his torso tighten for a moment just now.

"Fine fine. Chibi is so mean." Dazai finally gets up freeing Chuuya from his hug and rushes into his room to get ready for work.

"Chuuuuyaaaa! Gimme my special chibi coffee. You know I get grumpy if I don't get my daily dose of special chibi coffee." Dazai whines as he plops himself on the couch, not really caring about water drooping from his wet hair. He knows Chuuya will fuss about it, but whatever. If it leads to Chuuya drying off his wet hair for him, then who is Dazai to deny such a great opportunity of being taken care of by Chuuya.

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