Why wouldn't you look at me?

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The target is completely unaware. The moment? Absolutely perfect. The catch seems completely within hand. He gently approaches the target completely hidden from the view. No sound of the foot is made as he waddles near, reaching within the close proximity of his target,

"Whatcha doin' there Alan?" Chuuya jumps out from his position, ready to see his friend being caught totally off-guard. But to his utter dismay, completely unbothered eyes blink back at him, as if the person wasn't affected in the least.

"Arghhh! Just be responsive you freak!" Chuuya yells seeing his plan fail just like that.

The guy looks at him without flinching even a bit, "Hahahah! Nice try Chuuya! But that trick won't work on me." He struggles as he tries to control his laugh but Chuuya's angry face laced with pout doesn't help.

"Screw Samu! He told me that this trick would definitely work." Chuuya huffs, remembering how Dazai had told him that this plan would definitely work out in his favor.

"You just need to catch him off-guard and call out some name. He will definitely respond to the name if it's his real name." That's what Dazai had said.

It's been six months! Six months since Chuuya is trying to figure out the name of this person he has met. With time he has come to acknowledge this person as his friend, however, he just wasn't able to guess his name. Dazai wouldn't let him live this down if he ever finds out about Chuuya's epic failure.

"Who? Dazai? Well, he isn't wrong though, but he underestimated me just a bit." The guy smiles, ruffling Chuuya's hair as he dodges Chuuya's punch and hops off the stool.

"Chuuya, I think I love being in this place. The flowers make me feel refreshed. I think I should join as a part-timer here. Would you allow me to work here?." The guy asks, making puppy eyes at Chuuya who didn't waver even a bit at the sight.

"Hah. Absolutely not. Tell me your name first and I will consider it." Chuuya smacks him for even thinking of using puppy eyes at him. After all, it's only Dazai who is able to get away with anything by using this tactic on Chuuya.

"Ow! Is the Boss being grumpy? Do you give up already? I am not against telling you my name you know."

"Bullshit. Just you wait, I'll find your name. I will definitely do it you shit." Chuuya grins, letting him know that he won't be backing down from the challenge so easily.

The guy laughs, picking up a bunch of twelve red roses as he pays for them while Chuuya arranges them for him as usual. This had become their daily routine and Chuuya was indeed happy to have a regular and genuine customer come friend who shared the same passion for flowers as him. But amidst their friendly bantering Chuuya didn't notice a teary-eyed Dazai standing outside the flower shop. He didn't hear the retreating footsteps of the most important person in his life, as the said person walked away with a silent tear, with a broken heart.


Dazai couldn't believe that his song was almost ready. The composition that he had come up with, 'it is indeed a work of a genius' was how Ranpo had described it when Dazai had played it for him, asking for his opinion. Getting Ranpo's approval on something was like a great achievement in itself. Dazai was very happy, to say the least. He wanted to share this happiness with his Chibi as soon as possible. Getting Ranpo's approval on composition was a huge deal and Dazai just couldn't wait to tell the best news to his Chibi. So he did the only thing he could think of - he rushed straight to the flower shop as soon as his shift was over. The excitement of seeing his angel was something Dazai could never get used to, just the thought of seeing Chuuya would make his heart beat like crazy. It's been years now since Dazai has come to realize his feelings for Chuuya, but his heart just doesn't stop racing at the thought of his angel even today. All of a sudden, as if his rapidly beating heart is pierced and ripped out of his chest, Dazai feels a sharp pain stinging his heart -

'What was I even thinking while coming here?'

The sight of Chuuya laughing and smirking at someone who wasn't him was painful for Dazai to take. He knew that the thought of Chuuya being with someone else was an absolute nightmare, but to see it in person was like getting a bucket of cold ice being poured on his head. Dazai knew that this was bound to happen one day or other, but somewhere his stupid heart had a hope that maybe, maybe Chuuya would notice him. But life wasn't fair to some coward like Dazai who cannot find the courage to put his own feelings out in the open. Dazai knows that he doesn't deserve someone pure, brave, warm-hearted, and kind soul like Chuuya, but his stupid heart had the slightest hope that maybe, maybe the love will be fair to him even if life continues to disappoint him. He knows he can love Chuuya like no one else, can give his everything to his angel, can be the comfort that he needs in his hardest times, but Chuuya isn't aware of these feelings that Dazai is harboring. Tears roll down his cheeks as he watches his angel laughing, and Dazai wants Chuuya to look at him but Chuuya is lost. His angel is way far away from his reach to even spare him a glance. And the tears wouldn't stop as he thinks,

'Why wouldn't you look at me?'

So Dazai retreats, silently, with a broken heart and a tear-stained face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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