An unwelcome presence?

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Something doesn’t fit right with the current situation. The lack of noise makes him feel strange. And as if sudden realization hits him,

“Shit! Am I late for the lecture?!” Dazai shouts, rubbing his flat ass as he topples to the ground while trying to free himself from the clutches of his warm blanket. He rushes out of the room in a flurry, searching for his Chibi only to find the home empty. There was no sign of redhead and even the brat. Dazai rushes back into the room, searching his phone and dialing Chuuya’s contact. Even the seconds felt like ages as he waited impatiently for Chuuya to answer the call.

“Hello, Osam -”

“Hello, Chuuya!! Where are you? Are you alright? Also, Bruno is not in the house. I swear I didn’t do anything! But first, tell me are you okay? Where are you?!”

“Osamu, Osamu, calm down. I have taken Bruno out for a walk; we will be back in a few.”

“But -” Dazai’s words are cut off as Chuuya ends the call. He is pissed, to say the least, and wanted to complain to his Chibi for not waking him up and leaving without giving him any idea, implying that he won’t be getting his special coffee today. Dazai checks the phone to see that it’s only 6 a.m. and laments over his lost half an hour of precious sleep.

Dazai is on a mission. This is his chance to turn the meter of favorability towards him and show that brat that he is Chibi’s favorite one. Making breakfast, a decent one at that is not a big deal; they both had their days when they did all the chores single-handedly while taking care of the sick one. It’s just that Chibi is the more organized one between them. He likes to tease Chuuya that he can be a good ‘wife’ (let it be known that Dazai doesn’t overdo it because he knows it’s not fair. He knows it’s not fair to put a label like that on someone just cause of their nature. He knows that it’s absolutely unfair to generalize particular nature to a particular gender. So, he doesn’t overdo it. However, he does think that Chuuya would be a sweet, loving, caring, and sweet husband) , but truth be told, even Dazai has it within him. He makes his way into the kitchen after freshening up, finding the things he will be needing, easily. This is his chance and Dazai will give it his all.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Yokohama, making his way downtown (*cough cough* back home ) a confused Chuuya thinks about the call, wondering since when the sharp-witted, 200 IQ brain, Dazai Osamu has become dumb to not being able to put the two and two together and connect the dots.

The chirping of birds seemed like a peaceful melody, taking over the silence in the apartment. And making breakfast while listening to it while taking your own time, Dazai thinks it's peaceful. He sings along, to the melody that has been stuck in his mind for some days now, flipping the pancake over in the pan. Light and fluffy, perfect! Adding it to the plate with the rest of the pancakes, he perfects the dish by drizzling some honey and maple syrup and placing the slice of butter on the top. While he adds some chocolate chips on top of his. The smell of pancakes makes Dazai feel proud about his overall efforts.

‘This is not enough’ , Dazai thinks as he prepares the table for breakfast. And so he decides, to outdo himself this time. Dazai busies himself with crema and steamed milk, as his hands work their magic on the Caffe Latte.

A delicious smell wafts through the air as Chuuya steps into the apartment. He had anticipated that Dazai would have finished preparing the breakfast till the time he returns back. But the sight in front of him made him break out into a gentle smile. Dazai had gone all out today and judging by the look on his face, Chuuya could tell that he was indeed feeling proud about his work.

"Chuuyaaa~ Go freshen up and let's have breakfast." Dazai singsongs, pointing towards the neatly arranged breakfast table and the mouth-watering dishes placed on it. Chuuya doesn't take much time as the loud growl coming from his stomach reminds him how hungry he is. Setting the dish for Bruno, he joins Dazai at the table, eyes sparkling at the sight of honey drizzled pancakes and his favorite cheese omelet sandwich. He digs in immediately, not even waiting for Dazai.

"So mean. Not even waiting for the person who prepared it."

"There's a fire in my pit right now, set ablaze due to the wonderful aroma wafting off the delicacies that thou have cooked. Let me savor the taste for I cannot wait for the fire to calm down." Chuuya sings through a mouthful of pancake, relishing in the taste.

"Hahhahaha. I can see that you are in a very great mood. Allow me to make it even better," Dazai laughs at Chuuya's antics. He removes the cover from Chuuya's mug, taking absolute pride in his talent by seeing the look on Chuuya's face.

"You..You just did not! Woww! Osamu this is absolutely stunning!" Chuuya all but cried, fishing out his phone and clicking the pics of the latte art that Dazai had specially made for him. Chuuya just could not stop fawning over the art and the person in the art none other than the handsome 'Levi Ackerman'. Knowing Chuuya's obsession with the said AOT character, Dazai was absolutely sure of his plan being a success. He looks at Chuuya, fondly, who is currently busy admiring and gushing over Dazai's latter art talent; that reminds him why he had gone to the extreme end. He looks at the brat who is currently licking his face clean and smirks, letting him know that he is being praised at the moment. And just as when Dazai thinks that he has secured his spot as Chuuya's favorite,

"He isn't cute as Bruno though. My baby is the cutest!" Chuuya coos, picking up the brat and cuddling him close.

The Brat has the audacity to look at Dazai and wag his tail as if telling him that it ain't that easy. As if he is laughing at the perplexed expression on Dazai's face. Dazai is going to get back at this. Oh, he definitely will one day. But for now, Dazai adds one more pic of his Chibi, smiling brightly while cuddling the puppy close to him, to his gallery.


The time goes slow as usual as it always does during winter since the business is not in high spirits during Winter. Chuuya finishes cleaning around the shop and watering the plants. He checks the register for the flowers they have on hand and the flowers that he needs to order and also checks the tab for new orders and pending ones. His little routine is disturbed by the chime of the bell. ‘A Customer’, his boredom instantly vanishes as he peeks over the counter to greet the customer.

"Good Morning! How can I help you?"

"I want a bouquet of Yellow Alstroemerias, Delphinium, White Peonies with a Yellow rose. A beautiful bouquet of Friendship it would be." The customer says, making it known to Chuuya that he clearly knows what he is looking for.

"Indeed. And when do you want it? And to whom should it be addressed?" Chuuya smiles, happy seeing one of the rare customers who have knowledge about the language of flowers.

"To you." The customer smiles, looking directly at him.

"Excuse me."

"Don't get me wrong, but these flowers are so beautiful. They bring smiles to the faces of people to whom they are gifted. Yet, I don't think that anyone gifts these beautiful flowers to the one who prepares it for them." The customer steps in close, closing the distance between him and the counter

"So these are for you, the beautiful person who cares for these beautiful flowers. Will you be my friend?"

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