Chapter 3

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The night before Evangeline found the baby...


I stared at the massive stack of paperwork in front of me and groaned, I had been putting actual work off for a month and now it had caught up to me. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the bottom drawer of my desk and took a swig straight out of the bottle. I didn't drink often now, but sometimes I just needed to feel the familiar burn of straight whiskey going down my throat. After taking a couple of more swigs, I put the bottle down, I don't get drunk while my son's home, even if I had just put him to bed.

My Son. I picked up his photo frame from my desk and stared at his tiny face lovingly, he was the only good thing in my life, the only thing I cared for. Before he came along, all I cared for was sex, alcohol, and work. It seemed like such a waste that I lived my life the way I did before him, but I guess it was all I knew since my parents weren't exactly around much to teach me anything else. There were too busy running the 'family business', basically just a nice way of saying that they ran the English mafia. I had inherited the 'family business' the day their heads were quite literally dropped on my doorstep, I had known the day would come eventually but I didn't expect it to happen like that, I thought that they would have just retired.

Truthfully, I didn't really want to run the mafia anymore, especially since I had my son, Nathaniel, too watch out for. He was in constant danger since he was the only heir to the mafia, as well as my only weakness. I just wanted to raise my son in peace, to give him the safe, ordinary life I never had, but if his short five weeks of life had taught me anything, it's that it would be anything but safe and ordinary. Even the way I found out about him wasn't ordinary, I didn't even know he existed until a a month ago when a guard found him in a car seat at the gate to my home, with nothing but the baby grow he was wearing and a note that said "he'll be safer with his father".

As soon as he had turned up, I had a DNA test done to make sure I was his father, even though looking at him now there was no doubt he was my son, he was my image, that wasn't the only reason I wanted a DNA test though, I wanted to find his mother. By the time we had found out who she was though, she had already been found dead, she had committed suicide by hanging herself in the woods surrounding my home. I recognised her as one of the many one night stands I had had in the past. I pitied her, if I had known that she was pregnant and the mother of my child, I would have tried to help her.

So far in Nathaniel's life, enemies of mine had tried to have him assassinated twice. Before the assassins got anywhere near my son however, I had caught them both. They were both locked in cells in my basement, getting tortured daily so that I could find out who was behind the attacks. They hadn't fessed up yet, but they would when I next went down to interrogate them, they were going to wish I had just killed them when I caught them.

I was very protective of Nathaniel and only trusted a handful of guards and maids to watch over him in my absence, and even they were reminded of what would happen to them if anything was to happen to Nathaniel in their care, I'd kill them all, painfully.

Focusing my thoughts on the paperwork in front of me, I sighed, and started to work my way through the monstrous pile. We had been having a few issues with shipments lately, they were either coming up short, or not turning up at all, I made a mental note to get some of my men onto this and find out what was happening. I may not want to run this mafia, but it is still my job too.

Within the next few hours I had gotten through all of the paperwork, answered numerous emails, and ordered a few more weapon shipments. By the time I looked at the clock when I had finished it was three am, time flies when you're not having fun, I thought. I decided it was time to go to bed since Nathaniel normally wakes up around eight. I filed away all of the paperwork and logged out of my laptop, then made my way out of the room, locking the door behind me.

On my way to my bedroom I decided to quickly check in on Nathaniel, he was sound asleep in his crib, snoring cutely. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and walked out of his nursery, shutting the door behind me. His nursery was right next door to my room, I felt safer knowing he was only in the room next to mine, I also felt better knowing I would be able to hear him if he woke up.

I quickly walked into my room and headed into the ensuite bathroom for a quick shower. When I was done, I brushed my teeth and then I shoved on a pair of plain black pyjama pants and made my way to bed. As soon as I was in bed, I quickly got back out of it to go and double check on my son, I did this at least five times a night, every night, before I could actually go to sleep, I was constantly worried something had happened to him. After getting back into bed for the seventh time, I finally fell asleep.

Two hours later...

I was woke up by the sound of someone frantically knocking on my bedroom door. I quickly glanced at the clock next to me and seen it was only five am. What could someone want at this time? I quickly got out of bed and made my way to my bedroom door, when I opened it I was met by a terrified looking maid.

"What?" I snapped angrily, wondering why she had to disturb me. It wasn't until one of my son's main guards stepped up behind her that I started to panic. "Boss, I don't know what happened, we walked past your so-" before she could answer I pushed her out of the way and made my way to Nathaniel's room, dread filled me. I started to shake when I seen his door was wide open, I ran into the bedroom and straight over to his crib, Nathaniel wasn't there, and his window was wide open.

"That's not the only thing sir" the guard said, "Nathaniel's bodyguard, Jason, is missing".

I trembled with dread and anger as realisation hit me.


My son has been kidnapped.

1229 words

Sorry that this a short chapter! I was a bit stuck while writing it, I'm not very good at writing the male's POV for some reason. If you have any tips or feedback let me know! :)

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