~18~ Heart Replacement

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I stared up at the white fluffy clouds from the soft green grass with daises planted all over. I was confused at first, but the sky was so blue, and the grass felt like a bed It had calmed me.

Like I knew I was ok, nothing was going to get me now. This is my happy place, my heaven.

But it's not real and I know that.

"She's waking up." A distant voice echoes in my ear.

Come to find out when I opened my eyes. I came to face with a bright light in my face. It was slow, I moved my head to the side. Dexter stands, looking down at me. His eyes are easy, but he seems happy to see me.

Why? "W-Where am I?" My voice was raspy, like I haven't spoken in months.

"In the hospital sweetheart." Mother walks up to me from the other side. My setting is finally coming clear to me. I glance at the wires and needles I am attached to. I had an instinct to touch the side of my chest. It was smooth, I can feel a scar that still feels fresh too. "Do you remember dropping at the house party you guys where at?" She asked but I have no idea what she is talking about.

The last thing I remember was making a scene then talking to Christian. I shook my head at her. "What happened?" I wonder if my heart finally gave out on me.

"You had surgery on you heart." Her eyes moistened. She grabs a hold of my hands and squeezes it tight. "It's not good Marlie."

Wondering what she meant by that, I glanced at Dexter. Did they, do it? Did they make me get a replacement? "What do you mean heart surgery?" I sat up from the firm hospital bed. A shock of pain vibrates through my body, making me wish I never did it. "Please tell me, I have all of me. As in my heart?"

"We had no choice. It bought us time; you could've died."

I shook my head and glanced around the room. "Where's dad?"

"Signing paperwork with Sarah." My Doctor. She is somehow close to the family, so they call her by her first name.

Mother sits on the bed next to me. "Dexter, give me a minute alone with your sister." Mother grabs on to my hands. I watch the single tear fall out her eyes and them getting watery.

"My time is near, huh?" I ask her, concerned but ready.

Her eyes roll. I know she hates when I talk like that. "Take this serious." She sucks in a breath. But it wasn't good enough to fight the dam to come. Her eyes water like no other. I can hear the pain in her tone. "T-This isn't easy for us." She sniffles and comes down to hug me. Her tears soak through my gown.

It must be bad.

"I love you." She sobs. "I love you so much."

Though I know how bad it was before but from her actions, I am assuming my body isn't responding well with this heart. I can only imagine whose organ is inside of me.

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