Update: New Fanfiction

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm afraid this isn't a new chapter for this story; This is an update to inform you that I have started another fanfiction about Ulbert Alain Odle, who is actually my favourite character from overlord even though he has only shown up within a flashback scene and a few references throughout the series.

Because of this, I will now be splitting my focus between both this fanfiction and my Ulbert fanfiction known as 'Overlord: God of Catastrophe'! Of course, once I have finished both of these fanfictions, I shall devote my time to expanding upon my other Overlord fanfictons.

Anyway, if you feel like reading my new Ulbert fanfiction, go ahead! And if you have any opinions about the story and what Ulbert should do in the New World, please let me know; I'm happy to hear your opinions, whether they are positive or negative!

[End of Announcement...]

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