Authors on the lookout

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Hi everyone, it's Gummie. So if you couldn't tell, I haven't written much in the past few months and I have stated that I left the Hamilton fandom a while ago so to sum it up, I haven't had motivation to write this book. I had a lot of fun in the earlier chapters when I was younger but I've grown out of x readers and Wattpad in general. But I don't want to leave this story unfinished because you all deserve someone who will give this a proper ending. So I am looking for someone who would like to take over for the rest of this book.
How I want this to be done is by you direct messaging me and give me a basic rundown on how you want to continue this story and whoever idea I feel would fit best will be picked! I'm looking forward to your ideas and I'm truly sorry I won't be writing this anymore.

- Gummie

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