Ch. 1 Fatherhood

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Thomas Jefferson POV

"Daddy! Daddy! Look!"

I see my now 5 year old daughter running up to me with a piece of paper.

"What'd you draw this time sunshine?"

She hands me the paper and it has a figure with curly hair and another figure with straight/wavy/curly hair next to it.

"Is it a picture of you and me? It's beautiful darling!"

"Thank you daddy! You keep it! I'm going to make more!"

She runs off to her room. I smile. She's an amazing blessing to have. Her innocent spirit, calming voice, and most of all, mothers reflection. She behaves like her mother sometimes, calling me out when I'm wrong and saying she can do anything by herself. I let her try and figure it out but if she really can't, I help her. I have to. It's my job. And I love it, I love her.

"Y/n? What was that noise?!"

I run over to see y/n crying next to a broken picture frame. She must have ran into it and a shard of glass cut her.

"Are you hurt sweetie? Where does it hurt?"

She points to her arms and I see a small cut. I kiss it and grab a rag to stop the blood.

"Do you feel better y/n?"

She nods but still cries. It breaks my heart. I never like seeing her cry. It makes me feel like I failed doing the one thing I'm supposed to go for her. Protect her. She points to the broken frame.

"I-is that you and m-mommy?"

I look down and it is, indeed, a picture of me and Amelia. I sigh and pick up the glass shards and throw them away.

"Do you think mommy would have liked me?"

I'm surprised y/n even thought of that. I barely talk about Amelia to y/n because I don't want to have a breakdown in front of her so when I do, I don't really mention on what she thought of y/n.

"Sunshine, she loves you! With all her heart! She may not be here for us to see but she is here with us in spirit! She wanted to be with you so much! Please don't ever forget that!"

I started crying at the thought of Amelia again and y/n goes up and hugs me. I try to stop immediately to show that I'm strong for her.

"Don't cry daddy. If I kiss you, will you stop?"

I nod and she kisses my cheek. It honestly did make me feel better. Her warm affection helps me day in and day out.

"Oh thank you y/n! I feel much better now! Now, wanna get back to coloring?"


Time skip

I tuck y/n into bed and kiss her forehead.

"Good night my princess."

"Night night daddy."

As I fall on my bed, I cry. I cry to the fact that y/n thought that her mommy doesn't love her. That she never meet her. That I would never see her again.

"It's b-been five y-years Amelia. I-it gets harder and h-harder everyday. I m-miss you. Y/n wants t-to have you here. I w-want you here. I l-love you."

It helps me to talk to get my feelings out. It may seem that no one cans here but I believe that she can. My life without her has been tough but I keep on going. No matter what it takes. For y/n.

Authors note: who else loves Thomas? It'll get to mainly you soon but not yet. Enjoy. Byeeeee

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