Ch. 13 Breakthrough

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Another boring day. Fathers out at work. Theodosia is at school. Bertha is working around the house. And Phillip is a distant memory.

Maybe I should write more songs? Nah I don't have any motivation right now.
Should I try painting again? No that'll be a mess I don't want to deal with.

Wait a minute

No one is watching me right now.

Oh my goodness! I can finally do it!

I carefully peak out of my bedroom to make sure there's no one near by to hear or see me. Then I go to my closet and grab some rope I've been saving for this occasion. I tie it to my bed frame so it won't slip away and toss the rest out the window.

"This is perfect! I can't wait to-"

I cut myself off when I glance at my reflection in the mirror. What if someone notices me? It's hard to not notice Jefferson's daughter with that big dress of hers. And it would be very difficult to climb down and up the rope with such a dress.
Ok. I need a disguise. Easy enough.
I grab one of my common dresses that Theo had gifted me. Should be enough to help he blend in. 

"Perfect! I hope

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"Perfect! I hope."

I throw the excess rope out the window and carefully climb down the side of the house. I step down onto the ground and silently squeal because my plan actually worked!

"Okay. Right now I should be having 5 one hour lessons. I should more than enough time to explore by myself. I'm so excited!"

*small time skip*

I walked around town and marveled in the facts that I was free at last. I went to look at some shops and other miscellaneous things in my path. Not really paying attention to where I was going really.

I suddenly bump into someone and we both fall backwards.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No miss. It's me who's sorry. I should have been paying more attention."

It felt like that voice was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. The man talking to me lent me his hand and pulled me back to my feet.

"Thank you sure I should-"

I looked up and was flabbergasted by what I saw.

A young man, with brown curly hair, hazel eyes, and freckles that resemble the stars of night stares back at me.



We stare into each other's eyes for a while. We both couldn't and could recognize each other after all the years we've been apart. I start to smile and laugh as I run my fingers through his hair to make sure this moment is real. Phillip laughs and pulls me info a hug. I squeeze back and start crying tears of joy.

"Oh my Phillip. I've missed you so much! You have no idea how happy I am right now!"

He breaks the hug and takes a look at my tears.

"Now, now y/n, I can't have you crying on me. Because if you start crying, then I will too."

"Too late. Haha."

He wipes my tears away and we embrace each other one again.

"Where have you been Phillip? Why did you start answering my letters? Did I do something wrong?"

"No no no y/n. It wasn't you. It's...been really complicated and I wasn't able to talk to you about it."

"We can talk now. I want to hear about everything's that happened in the last few years."

Phillip told me everything from the start. Apparently when he and his family were on vacation, his dad was having an affair with another woman. That caused a rift between his parents and he went to live with his mother for a few years. That's the reason why he didn't answer my letters. And by the time he moved back in with his father, I stopped writing and he went to study in Kings College.

"Wow Philly. I didn't know you went through all of this. I wish I could've done something."

"It's okay y/n. I don't think there would've someone you could do anyways. But enough about me. What have you been doing?"

I then went on to tell him about how my father changed and I was forced inside for my life. I have taken up song writing and want to be a performer so I can travel around the country to be out of the house.

"Y/n, if you're not allowed outside, then how are you here?"

"I devised an escape plan for a day. I climbed down my window to get here."

"Wow very brave of you. That's the y/n I remember."

I giggle at his comment and can't help but feel like Phillip has always been there. Like he never left.

"H-hey y/n?"


"I was wondering if you wanted to...Uh well"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine! I just...umm."


"Would you like to go out with me? I know it's been a long time since we been together and I know it's very straightforward and I'm sorry if it is but I doesn't need to be like a date date if could just be a friend date and we don't have to-"


He stopped rambling and looked for my answer.

"Yes. I would love to go out with you."

"Brilliant! Okay then. Tomorrow night! I'll see you there."

We parted ways and I hurried back home before anyone noticed I was gone.

I can't believe I'm going on a date with Phillip Hamilton!

Authors note: please don't comment "update" anymore.  It's getting annoying and on the previous chapter, every comment was just saying to update and only 2 were comments on the actual story. I spent a lot of time working on that chapter and all I got back was "update! Update! Update!" I love feedback but having to hear the same thing is frustrating. Byeeeee

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