Ch. 11 The Rooms

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After everything with my dad and Sally, I've just been avoiding everyone. I know I'm a child but I know that hitting your kids and kissing someone who you aren't married to is wrong.
Luckily, today was the day Uncle Madison and Mr. Hamilton are coming over for a dinner meeting. And with Mr. Hamilton comes Phillip!

"Ok y/n, dress your best and please stay in your room while we're having our meeting please."

"Yes sir."

I go to my room and ask Bertha to help me get ready.  I wear a periwinkle dress and pin my hair into a simple bun.

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"Okay dad I'm ready!"

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"Okay dad I'm ready!"

"You look beautiful sunshine. Now run along, I'll send Phillip up to the library when he arrives."


I go up to the library and try to find a way to distract myself until Phillip arrives. I pick up just a random book and start reading.

15 minutes later

*knock knock*

I open the door and see Phillip for the first time in months!
I tackle him into a hug.

"Philly! I missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too Princess!"

"You have to tell me everything that happened while you were away. What's it like upstate? What does your grandpas house look like? Is it pretty? I bet it's pretty. How long did it take to get there?"

"Woah woah slow down with the questions I'm just one man. I'll answer all of them after I tell you how beautiful you look in that dress."

I blush. "I-oh Phillip you're such a flirt!"

"Got it from my dad. Can't keep the ladies off of me."

"But I'm the only one you love right?"

"Oh course! Remember our promise?"

"You better keep it or else I'll have my dad challenge you to a duel."

"Ha! I can beat your dad in anything!"

"You sure? What about being Secretary of State?"

"I'm going to be president one day so I don't need to be an old secretary."

"Yeah yeah. So tell me about your trip."

We talked for hours and Bertha had to bring up our food because the adults were talking serious business and didn't want us making too much noise downstairs.

"Where are they having their meeting then?"

"My dads office. That's the room where it happens."

"The room where is happens?"

"The room where it happened."

"Oh okay. Wanna go take a walk around the house?"


We walk all around upstairs and as we pass through dads room, Sally Hemings walks out with laundry in her hands. We make brief eye contact and both start speed-walking away.

"Hey slow down!"

"S-sorry Phillip. I-uh...need to tell you something."

We walk into my room and I lock the door to make sure no one gets in.

"Phillip, I need to tell you a secret. And you better not tell anyone."

"Of course what is it?"

"M-my dad...well"


I feel tears start to form in my eyes. "M-my dad is having an affair. With Sally."

"The servant? The one we passed by?"

I nod my head. "Y-yeah."

"I...I'm so sorry. you wanna hug?"

"Yes please."

He embraces me in his arms. The dam broke and the tears came down. I was crying into his jacket and he patted me on the back.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here. I won't go."

"He just...he just doesn't have time for me anymore! I-I feel like a burden for him. *hic* I don't know what to do Phillip."

"You're not a burden y/n. You're a beautiful, smart girl. He doesn't know what he's missing out on."

"T-thank you Philly."

We stay in each other's arms for a little while. I missed this. I missed him.

We talked for the rest of the time he was there. His dad came by to pick him up and they left. I was going to do back to my room for get ready for bed until my dad called me.

"Yes dad?"

"I don't want you hanging around boys anymore."

"W-What? Why not?"

"You're young and impressionable. It's for the best."

"For the best? But I like hanging around with Phillip!"

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady! You're not having any guy friends until you reach the age of courtship. Until then, no boys."

"But dad-"

"No buts! Go to your room."

I storm off and slam my door. I can't hang out with Phillip anymore? But he's my best friend! I just got him back and now I'm going to lose him again? Why can't anything go right for once in my life?

Authors note: heeeeey. It's been a while. Like a year. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I lost interest in writing fanfics but I really really want to finish this bc I already planned out the whole thing. I will be writing more chapters for this and I hope you love them. Byeeeee

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