Ch. 7 Separation

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"Daddy, what are you doing?"

I look over to see dad running around the house, ordering the people to clean and cook. I still don't understand their purpose. Do they live her too?

"Uncle James, Uncle Aaron, and Mr. Washington are coming over to help we with work. Uncle Aaron is bringing his daughter over so you have someone to play with. Oh, and Hamilton's coming too with his son too."

Yay! Phillip's coming over!

"What are you making for dinner?"

"My specialty. Mac and cheese!"

"You're addicted to Mac and cheese daddy. You should probably stop eating it all the time."

"Nonsense! Now run along and get ready."

Time skip

It's now 5:30 pm and they have started arriving. First Mr. Washington. Then uncle James and Uncle Aaron with his daughter,

"Theo, introduce yourself to y/n."

A short, Brown hair girl came up to me with a shy look in her eyes. I feel ya girl. I feel ya.

"Um. H-hi. I'm Theodosia Burr. Im 8 years old. Nice to meet you."

Oh shoot now it my turn.

"Hello. I'm y/n Jefferson. I'm also 8."

"Okay children. Go to the other room and play while we work."

We both ran off to the library and sat down at the nearest couch.

"I really like your house y/n! It's so big!"

"I'd say it's a little too big. It's only housing 2 people so it's a little much."

"Only 2 people? Are you parents divorced?"

"No. My mom passed away a long time ago."

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I never should have said anything! Please forgive me!"

"Theo calm down! It's okay. You didn't know."

We talked for a bit when we heard a knock at the library door. I opened it and there was Phillip! I ran to him and gave him a big ol' hug.

"Phillip you came!"

"Hi y/n! Oh hi Theo! I didn't know you were here too!"

"You two know each other?"

"Yeah. Our dads have like a a frenemy relationship with each other. So we see each other a lot."

"That's cool. You guys wanna play a game?"


Another time skip

Dinner went well. No loud arguments like before. And Theodosia left afterwards. Phillip and I went outdoors to look at the stars and just talk.

"Y/n. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I'm going away this summer to my grandpas house. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Wait really? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want to worry you about it. I wanted to have one last night of fun till I come back."

I looked away and felt tears form in my eyes.

"Hey y/n. Look at me. I'm gonna be back. It's not like Im moving to Europe! It's just for the summer. We'll have fun away during the new school year together! Okay?"

He wiped my tears away with his finger and looked me in the eyes smiling.

"Okay Phillip. I'm gonna miss you."

"Hey I have an idea! We'll write to each other and keep each other updated on what's happening while we're gone! I'll show you the address and we can start tomorrow!"

"That's a great idea Philly!"


"I thought it could be a cute nickname for you. Do you not like it?"

"No it's perfect! And I'll call you...princess! Because you're my princess and soon to be queen!"

I blushed at the silly nickname.

"Well, I better get going before my dad yells for me. Be sure to write me everyday."

"I will Philly!"

"See ya later princess!"

He ran off and left.

"Well I'll say that was a progressive dinner. I got most of what I needed and you got a new, better friend. Good night sunshine."

"Does that mean you don't have to work as much?"

"Oh no. Heavens no! That means I am basically working all the time from now on! This is going according to plan. Work as hard as possible to reach success!"

"And when will you reach success?" I say sadly.

"Whenever I'm in charge of the whole country and Hamilton is not getting in my way!"

"Okay daddy."

I walk away and get ready for bed with Bertha's help.

"You seem sad miss. What's bothering you?"

"I think this summer is just going to be me away from my father and best friend. Yay me."

Authors note: new chapter! Hope you enjoyed it. And if you have any ideas for the next one, dm them to me! Byeeeee

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