Ch. 5 Promises

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Thomas POV

Oh dear lord! All thanks to damn Hamilton, y/n has no ran away! And honestly, I would too if some man I had no relation with call my mother a whore. And all he said about Amelia, I have no clue how he got that information but I will whatever in my power to find that man and give a piece of my mind. We have been searching for what felt like hours and I was beyond worried.

"You know, this is all your fault Hamilton!"

"It's not my fault for stating the truth!"

"How'd you get that...false information?"

"I have my sources. And that daughter of yours, do you truly love her?"

"What do you mean? Of course I do!"

"Really? Well, I just thought that because she was never planned and was the cause of your wife's death. Same thing happened to me and my father never loved me. So how come you do?"

The way he phrased that made me pissed. Where is he getting all of this?! And I do give a flying fuck about how his family sucked, I am not like that.

"I loved her since the moment Amelia told me. I loved them both, and promised to protect them. I am not a bad man like your father Hamilton. I am a man with a hard shell but a soft heart. Worry about your own self."

We didn't speak with each other for a while. I just hope y/n is okay.


"Okay, okay, okay wanna play tag?"

"Sure! Tag you're it!"

Phillip and I calmed down after...all that happened. And we don't feel like going to the house right now so we're playing games. I'm it right now, but not for long!

"Tag You're it!"

"Aw what? You're pretty fast for a girl!"

"Well you're pretty slow for a boy!"

"You take that back!"

"Make me!"

We played for awhile till we both couldn't bear to run any longer. We laid down in the grass and looked up at the now dark night.

"You know, you're freckles look like the stars Phillip."

"What? How?"

"They're all scattered around but at the same time some together to make constellations. It's beautiful."

Phillips cheeks turned red and looked back at me.

"You're beautiful."

I then feel my cheeks heat up.

"Hey y/n?"


"When we get older, will you be my wife?"

"That depends. How will you treat me as your wife?"

"I would give you a big house. Lots of space. We will travel the world together. And have a great big family. And a dog! I will give you kisses and hug you everyday. And most importantly, I will never stop loving you."

I felt my cheeks heat up even more. Does he really mean all that?

"You mean it?"

"I absolutely do."

"But what if we're not friends when we're older? What if you like someone else? We're only kids, you might forget me in the future."

"I will never forget you. For as long as I live. I promise."

"So should I start calling myself y/n Hamilton?"

"Only around me. Our dads will freak if you  said that in front of either one of them."

We both laugh and stare back at the stars until we hear yelling.



We ran to our dads and they gave us big hugs.

"Please. Don't get run away. Ever. Again. Promise?"

"I promise daddy."

Daddy hugged me tighter and I realized that he had been crying into my back. I didn't know I worried him this much.

"Excuse me daddy. Mister Hamilton, I believe I deserve an apology."

"Yeah pops! What you said isn't nice to anyone!"

"Okay okay. Y/n I am very sorry for what I said. Will you forgive me?"

"I will this time. But don't think I will if you do it again."

"Well, I think we should get going. Thank you for inviting us to your dinner Hamilton."

"Well thanks for coming. Now go."

We pulled up a carriage and got in. I waved off to Phillip. And I think I might have a little crush on him. Just a little one.

Authors note: hope you enjoyed the story! See ya next week! Byeeeee

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