Ch. 9 Secrets...

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Warning: sexual themes



"Yes y/n?"

"I was wondering...why don't you ever think about getting remarried?"

Father looked at me like I was a ghost. Confusion struck his face.

"W-why do you ask?"

"I'm just saying. That's what people do right?"

"W-well, I'm not like other people, sunshine."

"Are you sure? It seems like you like someone! Who is it? Tell me!"

"T-there is no one y/n! I'm not remarrying!"

"Ugh. Fine."

I start to walk off, disappointed until I hear my name called.

"Y/n, do you want a mother? Is that what this is about?"

"K-kinda. I just want a real motherly figure. Don't get me wrong, Bertha is amazing but she's more like an aunt to me. I just want someone to call "mom." Someone I could talk to about deep girl stuff."

"I'm sorry sunshine that you don't have a mother to do all of those things, but I have to admit. I don't wanna remarry because I don't believe I'll love someone as much as your mother. Do you understand?"

"Yeah. I guess I do."

I walk to my room and flop onto my bed.


"Yes, y/n?"

"Can I talk to you? About personal matters?"

"I just I can. What is on your mind sweetie?"

"Do you remember the Hamilton's? The ones who visit us sometimes?"

"Yes I remember them."

"Well, they have a son named Phillip. And he's my age."

"And you like him?"

She gave me a sly smirk with a wink. She knows me so well!

"Yes! I do believe that I'm falling in love with him. But...."


"My dad would literally kill me if he found out! He hates them! And they hate us!"

"Well we'll just have to see what happens in time because you are still young. Your feelings might change, or the Hamilton's feelings towards you could change. It's only a matter of time until we really find out."

"I guess you're right. But promise to keeps this a secret! I can't have anyone knowing about this!"

"I promise y/n. Your secrets safe with me!"

"Thanks Bertha!"

I hug her and stay like that for a while.

"Now, I believe you should start getting ready for bed. It's getting late."


Time skip

I toss and turn but can't sleep! It's been like this for hours! No matter what I do, I can't fall asleep! I tried getting warm milk, getting more blankets, getting less blankets, reading, counting sheep, but nothing!

"Maybe I'll ask dad if I could sleep with him tonight...maybe that'll work."

I get out of bed and make my way to dads bedroom. It was almost completely dark, with the exception of a few lit candles. I carefully tip-toed my way to his room until I heard a sound in the distance. I turned the corner and hid in a door frame.

Calm down y/n. It's just the wind. Nothing to be afraid of.

That was what I thought until I heard someone climbing up the stairs.

Oh my god! Is it an intruder?

I stayed silent as I peeked over to see what or who it was ascending up the stairs.

Sally Hemings.

She was one of the slaves that worked for us. I calmed down for a bit. Then I saw where she was going.

Why is Sally going to dads room?

I followed her once she entered the room. Luckily, the door wasn't closed all the way so I looked through the crack in the door. And I wish I hadn't.

"Mr. Jefferson, you wanted to see me again tonight?"

"Come here Sally. I've been yearning for you all day." (I wanna kill myself)

"But sir, aren't you afraid someone will hear us? I do get rather loud."

"Everyone's asleep sugar. No one will hear a thing. You can be as loud as you want.~"

I've seen enough! I turned the corner and ran straight to my room and slammed the door shut.

I wanna bleach my eyes! Does bleach even exist yet?!

I froze when I heard footsteps coming towards my bedroom.

No no no no no no no no!

I climbed into bed and acted like I was in deep sleep. The door slowly opened and I opened one eye to see who it was.

It was Sally freaking Hemings.

I sat up and stared at her for a minute.

"What are you doing here at night?"

"Shhh. You didn't see me, I didn't see you. It'll be our little secret."

She winked and closed my door. I heard her footsteps get quieter and quieter until I heard nothing.

What. The. Fuck. Are. They. Doing.

Let's just say, I didn't sleep at all that night and stayed in my room the entire next day.

Authors note: heeeeey...SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG! I kinda lost interest in Hamilton but I do really wanna continue this story cuz I'm proud it's doing so well! Spicy things are happening in the Jefferson household. What will happen next? Read my Detroit: Become Human story plz! Follow me on instagram @gurl8gummies

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