Chapter 23. Tongue Tied

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"Ron? What's wrong?"

Ron was staring at Harry, feeling anger, disgust and confusion rising inside of him. He was almost certain he knew what he'd just seen, and even more sure that he knew what it meant. He just didn't want to believe it

"Ron?" Harry questioned, but looked over his shoulder to see the sweets laid out across his bed "Aww Ron, you shouldn't have! You're too kind. You know I can't eat all of these by myself though, you're welcome to have some" he grinned, stepping across to the bed to analyse the selection of goodies laid out for him

"Ooooh! You got me sour apple flav-"

"What is that?" Ron bit, he'd turned to face Harry who was by the bed, his eyes darting in the direction of the ties

Harry remained confused, dropping the bag of sweets back onto the bed "What is what?"

"What... are they doing there?" he growled, pointing across to the headboard, his entire body tensing as anger rose through him

Harry's focus darted to the bed where the ties lay hanging from the frame so casually. His heart dropped to his stomach, feeling sick. Absolutely no words came to him to get him out of this. He tried to hide the panic

"Oh that!... erm... it's... it's a funny story really, I-"

"Are you shagging Malfoy?" Ron hissed

"What?!" Harry blurted out with nervous laughter, pained by the accusation, hurt even more by the accuracy of it

"You're having sex with him!" Ron erupted "What the fuck, Harry?!"

"Ron! It's not like that! It's-"

"Well what is it then?! Why else would his school ties be in your bedroom, tied to your headboard?!"

"I don't know they just-"

"At least have the decency to be honest with me!" Ron yelled, his anger cutting him off, he wouldn't allow Harry to take him for a fool

Harry exhaled, completely at a loss with what to do next, looking around the room desperately in search for relief but only feeling Ron's rage boring into him. There was no point lying anymore, if anything had come from his talk with Pansy moments ago it was that lying only made things worse. He braced himself for the explosion he was about to endure

He inhaled and looked at the floor "Yes. I'm... sleeping with Draco"

Ron's was furious, his chest heaving with anger from raising his voice so suddenly at the outburst, trying to comprehend the absolute absurdity that he was hearing

"Look, Ron, It's not a big deal!"

"Not a big deal?! He was our enemy for years! He's a bloody death eater!! Why would you want to be with someone like that?!"

"I told you months ago that he's changed! You've seen it yourself! He's not a death eater anymore!"

"He supported the people that killed Fred! and Sirius! and Lupin! and-"

"He never actually supported them-"

"He's scum, Harry! How could you!?" Ron spat, shaking his head in disbelief and making his way to the exit but Harry reached out grabbing his wrist in desperation

"How can you say that?! He's been our friend this entire year, he's different now, you know it, I know it! He deserves a chance at love!"

Ron jerked back and snatched his arm away from him "Love? Love!?" he burst into a cruel laughter "Really Harry? You think he's having sex with you out of love!?"

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