Chap III: All For Revenge

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A/N: Okay everyone here's the next chapter. Sorry that it took so long I wasn't expecting to take this long. But i'll be trying to finish it before anything else. Please let me know what you all think, and if something is wrong then please let me know. So I hope you all enjoy it.

//3rd POV: Tai and Summer Home, 10:55 p.m.//

The scene opens up as the flames of the burning house raged on with great ferocity. The wood of the house could be seen starting to fall down. Not to far from the house the sound's of clashing weapons are heard. Across the forest Grimm's are seen looked onward as they surrounded the house. The sound's then get louder and louder until it revealed team STRQ trying to put up a fight, as Raven and Qrow backed away having minor cuts on there cheeks and arms.

As all of them where breathing heavily. They started noticing that the woman with the mask was still unscratched. To them it felt as she was only playing with them. Just then The woman with the mask, then stopped her attack and held her sword. She looked at them with her gaze fixated on all of them. Unbeknownst to them underneath her mask she was smiling, seemingly getting a great thrill by just hurting them. As they all gazed at her, they all looked around her body try to find an opening. But no mater what they thought of it was impossible. Qrow looked at her leg's, but the woman then moved her weapon over her legs. Raven looked across her back, but then the woman placed her weapon on her back. Summer thought about moving across her body at great speed, but every time she thought of the spot's she would attack, the woman moved her weapon in the spot she was going to bee. Tai thought of just simply charging at her, but the woman simply pointed the tip of her weapon at him. As much as they thought , and thought to them, the woman felt like she was simply toying with them.

The woman then turned her gaze at the burning home, and gave a small sigh. "Beautiful... Nothing but a burning home to make everything worth the wait." She said as Summer with a look of anger responded back to her.

"I'll ask again. WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS!? WE DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!!" She shouted at her, with great anger in her tone. As the rest of her team simply looked at the woman with anger in there eyes.

The woman tilted her head to the side in a confused manner. "Why? Because I wanted to. After all it was you, and the rest of your family. That killed your Daughter." She said in a calm and relaxed tone. As she new what she was talking about.

But Raven then turned her attention back at Summer, and gave her a look of confusion. "What is she talking about?"

Summer not wanting to talk, turned to look at Tai, who also didn't want to answer her. But Qrow was quick to protect them by shouting back at the woman. "THEY WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT SO...!" He then pointed the tip of weapon at her. "STOP SPOUTING BULLSHIT LIKE THAT!"

The woman feeling annoyed gave a silent sigh. "You call yourself Huntsmen... I expected more from you. But it looks like I will have to put you down, Ozpin's loyal bitch."

Just then Qrow firmly gripped his weapon. Tai turned to look at his still burning home. As he quickly turned his attention back at the woman. "Your going to pay." 

Just then Tai ran passed his team and charged at the woman leaving his team defenseless. 

The woman gripped her weapon as Tai closed in on her at great speed. And as soon as he was close he started attacking her with great ferocity. But the woman simply dodged his punches as she slowly moved to the sides in a playful manner. He then tried an upper cut her, with his left arm. But she was able to predict his move, and quickly stabbed her sword to the ground, grabbed his left arm, and quickly slammed him to the ground. Making him cough as soon as his body hit the grass with great speed. She then placed her foot on top of his chest, as the rest of his team were going to move. The woman then grabbed her sword and placed it close to Tai's neck. Which then stopped the rest of them.

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