Chap. IV: Comrades...

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{3rd POV: Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office, (9:26 a.m.)}

We open up with the sound of the elevator door's opening up. Which then revealed team RWBY walking inside the office, behind them the door's to the elevator then closed. They walk over to Ozpin who was facing the window. As the room fell silent no one respond's and simply wait for him to speak. It is only after a moment of silence that Ozpin turned to face them. He then slowly walked over to them, with Glynda next to him, they noticed a sad look on his face. When he stopped in front of both Ruby and Yang, the two girls simply stared back at him.

Confused Ruby responds to him. "Is something the matter, Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin takes a deep breath, and tighten the grip on his cane. Before then responding in a somewhat calm tone. "Ms.Rose, Ms.Yang... I'm so sorry."

This time Yang responds in the same confused tone as her sister. "What are you apologizing for Professor?"

Ozpin let's out heavy sigh before then waving his hand to a bunch of chairs. "Please have a seat. All of you."

After seating down the group waited for him to respond. Ozpin looks at Glynda before she then nodded her head. He nod's back at her, and turns his attention back at team RWBY.

"This isn't easy for me to say this to you. Given that you are so young." He says looking at Ruby first, and then turning to Yang. "Tell me, have you heard anything from your family?" Both girl's shock their head's in no. "I see."

They then heard the sound of the elevator doors opening up, before then closing. The sound of footsteps is heard as they all noticed that it was Ironwood, and Winter. The two walk to the side of Ozpin and simply stared at the two girls. Everything then fades to black.

{Evernight Castle: Conference Hall, (10:23 a.m.)}

We then transition to the Conference Hall's, where the rest of Salem's Inner Circle resided. All were seated except for Emerald, and Mercury who staid at Cinder's side. (Y/n) also stayed on her feet but close to Salem, and holding a folder in her hands. Out of everyone the one that dislike the fact that she was close to Salem, was Tyrian but not wanting to cause a scene, he simply stayed seated. Of course that didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n), but much like him, she to stayed silent. She stares back at him, waiting for him to do something. But with the presence of their Grace standing before the group that was impossible.

"Know then." Salem spoke with then garnered the attention of the group. "As you all may have noticed. The fall of Beacon is slowly approaching. So we must all make sure to prepare everything. With that said."

She waves her hand in front of (Y/n). Which (Y/n) then proceeded to placed the folder she was holding on the table. She then placed her scroll on the table which emanated a small bright light, that turned in to a hologram of Beacon Academy.

"This is a hologram of the entirety of the Academy." She said glancing at everyone that looked at her. She then took out a laser pointer and pointed at some spots of the Academy. "Thanks to the information that I got from Cinder. I managed to investigate several weaknesses that the Academy has for starters." She pointed at a spot that was at the bottom of the Academy. "This spoy. Were going to need a distraction. That way when the Grimm storm in, they will start dealing with the rest of Huntsman. All the while will send several flying Grimm to deal with the barrier around the academy."

"And what about the students?" This time Hazel with an unsure look on his face spke up.

(Y/n) looks back at him, with a cold look on her face. "What about them?"

"Your going to bring innocent people in to this."

"A small price to pay." She noticed that as she spoke a small look of hesitation could be seen on his face. "Why are you hesitating? You told me ones, that you wanted to get your revenge of Ozpin to, Right?" She slowly started to walk over to him. "You told me, that as long as Ozpin fell you wouldn't care for the rest of the people. Right?"

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