Chapter 17

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- Isabella's POV -

I let out a groan as I felt the warmth of the sun hit my face, the brightness beaming through the curtains and almost blinding me as I opened my eyes. I looked down realizing Lorenzo's hand wasn't wrapped around me like usual. I turn my body around to see the side he sleeps on empty.

My confusion of why he wasn't next to me was quickly replaced with disappointment. I don't why but over these two past days being with him have been the best and most annoying experiences in my life. I blame most of the annoyance on him since I personally think Ive been more mature. I might of tried to stab, bite or done anything that could possibly cause harm to him a few times but it was only due to his mood swings. It sounds extremely childish but it's true, for example yesterday he asked me to be ready by eight but I took an extra hour long and when he saw me he told me if I was going to be taking forever to might as well look prettier. I'm not going to lie hearing that come from him when all he does is call me beautiful hurt but it irritated me mostly. Although he said that rude comment he still ended up drowning me with compliments at the end of the night which only made me want to kick him in his throat.

The day before that he was sweet but demanding. He seemed to be way more excited for my birthday then me by forcing me to call Violet and Valerie to invite them over to the club.

I finally hopped off the bed after procrastinating wether or not I should take a shower and headed straight to the bathroom.I turned the water on and slipped off my robe waiting for it to warm up before entering.


I turned off the water and grabbed the towel off the rack before wrapping it around my body. I opened the door to the bathroom and made my way to one of Lorenzo's drawers that I emptied out the day after I fainted and filled with a bunch of my clothes and necessities.

I threw on a bubble gum pink lace set and white satin slip on dress before walking over to his bed and plopping myself on top.

My body sank into his memory foam mattress hugging my curves. The softness making me feel like I was on a cloud. I yawned from how tired I was since I didn't get my full 8 hours of sleep. I spent most the night thinking about how today was going to be horrible, I've never had a real party after 10 and just thinking about it made me nervous even though it was only going to be my friends and I.

"Happy birthday bella" I heard a familiar voice from a distance. I sat up from my laying position to see Lorenzo walking in the room with a tray of food.

I took a whiff of the food he sat down in front of me. The hot maple syrup mixed with sweet cream butter coated on top of a stack of rich buttermilk pancakes filled my nose almost making me drool.

I took my eyes off the food and onto Lorenzo.He was wearing black slacks with a crisp white buttoned up tucked inside and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a black tie, I thought he didn't know how to tie, ties.

"Make a wish principessa" He smiled lowering himself to plant a kiss on my forehead. His touch making my body melt. I bit down on my lip trying to keep myself from smiling even though the warm blush that creeped up my cheeks made it obvious on how I felt.

I wish for bigger boobs.

I opened my eyes and blew out the single lit candle that was on the stack of pancakes, making sure no spit flew out my mouth. I'm not a germaphobe and I understand that there's probably worst things I've done and still ate but doing something disgusting on purpose would've grossed me out too much to eat my breakfast.

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